Clone this repository
Open a terminal with the path of the directory you cloned it in
cd back-end
npm run server
Open another terminal with the main path
cd front-end
npm start
Add a portfolio with the input bar
Navigate to the portfolio by clicking on it
Delete with the delete button
Input the ticker, # of shares bought and the price you bought it at
Info will load in the table above as well as a price chart of the past 6 months
Value = # of shares * price
Buy, hold, sell = fetched analyst recommendations from yahoo-stock-api
Click O to update to the most recent data
Click -1 to update to -1 month data
Click -2 to update to -2 month data
Click -3 to update to -3 month data
Click the delete button to delete
Database: Mongodb, Mongoose
Back-end: Node.JS, Express.JS, yahoo-stock-api
Front-end: React.JS, Chart.JS, axios
Make the UI nicer
Add advanced analytics that can be selected to view from a drop-down table
yahoo-stocks-api v1 is deprecated, update to v2 if you want to use this