QR code generating with vanilla js (SVG Element, Data URI SVG String, Data URI PNG String, HTML Table Element).
Based on github.com/lifthrasiir/qr.js
now works in Edge 13 and IE 11textcolor
options introducedinnerHTML
replaced withdocument.createDocumentFragment()
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/qrjs2.min.js
npm install qrjs2
bower install qrjs2
var svgElement = document.createElement("div"),
u = "https://github.com",
s = QRCode.generateSVG(u, {
ecclevel: "M",
fillcolor: "#FFFFFF",
textcolor: "#373737",
margin: 4,
modulesize: 8
Will add an SVG element to parent DIV:
<svg viewBox="0 0 264 264" style="shape-rendering:crispEdges">
<style scoped="scoped">.bg{fill:#FFFFFF}.fg{fill:#373737}</style>
<rect class="bg" fill="none" x="0" y="0" width="264" height="264"></rect>
<rect class="fg" fill="none" x="32" y="32" width="8" height="8"></rect>
if (document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","1.1")) {
var dataUriSvgImage = document.createElement("img"),
u = "https://github.com",
s = QRCode.generateSVG(u, {
ecclevel: "M",
fillcolor: "#FFFFFF",
textcolor: "#373737",
margin: 4,
modulesize: 8
var XMLS = new XMLSerializer();
s = XMLS.serializeToString(s);
s = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)));
dataUriSvgImage.src = s;
} else {
var dataUriPngImage = document.createElement("img"),
u = "https://github.com",
s = QRCode.generatePNG(u, {
ecclevel: "M",
format: "html",
fillcolor: "#FFFFFF",
textcolor: "#373737",
margin: 4,
modulesize: 8
dataUriPngImage.src = s;
Will add a Data URI SVG string to IMG element's SRC attribute:
<img src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,...">
Or a Data URI PNG string to IMG element's SRC attribute:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,...">
var htmlTable = document.createElement("div"),
u = "https://github.com",
s = QRCode.generateHTML(u, {
ecclevel: "M",
fillcolor: "#FFFFFF",
textcolor: "#373737",
margin: 4,
modulesize: 8
Will add an HTML table element to parent DIV:
<table style="border:32px solid #FFFFFF;background:#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td style="width:8px;height:8px;background:#373737"></td>
qrjs2 is released under the MIT license.