This is an overlayed version of cas-server-webapp.
This demo allows the cas-webapp to be used as a proxy auth service for shiboleth idp and another cas
used libraries / projects:
- cas-server-support-pac4j https://github.com/Jasig/cas
- pac4j https://github.com/leleuj/pac4j
- spring-security-saml https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security-saml
- saml login assertion is stored as an attribute of the pac4j Credential to be memorized in the TGT ( to allow logout from remote idp, and to back channel to proxy authenticated apps )
- logout-webflow.xml modified to map cas client logout via browser redirect to idp by ClientLogoutAction
- logout-webflow.xml modified to map ClientBackChannelAction to get and send on back channel for a client pac4j
- spring-security-saml libs used without http config, the beans are wrapped in pac4j BaseClientclass
- used a RedirectType = DUMMY to delegate all the work to wrapped libs
- saml idp back channel proxy
- better back channel action
cas-client-remotecas-webapp -----------------------> cas-server ----> xml
cas-client-webapp -----> caspac -----> cas-server ----> xml
-----> caspac -----> idp ----> ldap
-----> caspac -----> xml
spring-security-saml2-sample -------------------------> idp ----> ldap
remap host: Windows\System32\drivers\etc idp.alessandro.it cas.alessandro.it cas2.alessandro.it app.alessandro.it
download and install Tomcat
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/index.html http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/index.html
download and install Shibboleth
- http://shibboleth.net/downloads/identity-provider/latest/shibboleth-identityprovider-2.4.0-bin.zip - shibboleth-identityprovider-2.4.0\install.bat --> installDirectory - eclipse import war idp.war - copy TOMCAT_HOME/endorsed and copy the .jar files included in the IdP source endorsed directory (not needed for http redirect post - overwrite installDirectory\* with git shibbolethInstall\* - rewrite all absolute path with your absolute path
download and configure ldap
http://supergsego.com/apache//directory/apacheds/dist/2.0.0-M17/apacheds-2.0.0-M17.zip - start \apacheds-2.0.0-M17\bin\apacheds.bat for localhost:10389 - add partition id aleditta suffix o=aleditta - ad idp user - dn: cn=aleldap,ou=people,o=aleditta - objectclass: top - objectclass: inetOrgPerson - objectclass: person - objectclass: organizationalPerson - cn: ale xxx - cn: aleldap - sn: xxx - description: xxxx - mail: xxx@neverland - uid: aleldap - userPassword:: e3NoYX0xdi9hRjhqQUE2SEwxQWNjakFDQ3NrTXNzYzA9 (aleldap)
eclipse config
server tomcat with VM arguments -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="C:\your_path\security\trustore\truststore.ts" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword="tru111" - tomcat 7 app.alessandro.it - tomcat 7 cas.alessandro.it - tomcat 7 cas2.alessandro.it - tomcat 6 idp.alessandro.it map eclipse server.xml as in \Server\..\server.xml, replace abs path with yours
map webapps:
- cas client app of proxy cas: https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/ - cas client app of remote cas: https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-remotecas-webapp/ - saml client app of idp: https://app.alessandro.it:2443/spring-security-saml2-sample - cas proxy: https://cas.alessandro.it:6443/caspac/ - cas remote: https://cas2.alessandro.it:7443/cas-server/ - shibboleth idp: https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/ - ldap: localhost:10389
- login: browser: cas-client-webapp ---> caspac ---> idp (aleldap/aleldap)---> caspac ---> cas-client-webapp - logout: browser: cas-client-webapp ---> caspac ---> idp ---> caspac - back channel: caspac --> cas-client-webapp - login: browser: cas-client-remotecas-webapp ---> cas-server (alecas/alecas) ---> cas-client-remotecas-webapp - login: browser: cas-client-webapp ---> caspac ---> cas-server ---> caspac ---> cas-client-webapp - logout: browser: cas-client-remotecas-webapp ---> cas-server - back channel: cas-server ---> cas-client-remotecas-webapp - back channel: cas-server ---> caspac ----> cas-client-webapp
- https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/ HTTPS GET 200
- https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/p HTTPS GET 302
- /caspac/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.alessandro.it%3A2443%2Fcas-client-webapp%2Fj_spring_cas_security_check HTTPS GET 200
- /caspac/login?client_name=Saml2ClientWrapper&needs_client_redirection=true&idp=https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/shibboleth HTTPS GET 200
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO HTTPS POST 302
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/AuthnEngine HTTPS POST 302
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/Authn/UserPassword HTTPS POST 200
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/Authn/UserPassword HTTPS POST 302
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/profile/SAML2/POST/SSO HTTPS POST 200
- caspac/login?client_name=Saml2ClientWrapper HTTPS POST 302
- https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/j_spring_cas_security_check?ticket=ST-5-AWJ... HTTPS POST 302
- https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/p HTTPS POST 200
- https://app.alessandro.it:2443/cas-client-webapp/j_spring_cas_security_logout HTTPS GET 302
- caspac/logout HTTPS GET 302
- https://idp.alessandro.it/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SLO?SAMLRequest=nZJBb%2BM....... HTTPS GET 200
- https://cas.alessandro.it:6443/caspac/logout?action=SingleLogout HTTPS POST 200