This is a simple Todo List application built using React and Redux. It allows the user to add new tasks, update the status of existing tasks (completed or not), and delete tasks.
To run the application, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Install the dependencies by running
npm i
- Start the development server by running
npm run start
Once the application is running, you can start adding tasks to the list by typing in the input field and pressing the "Add" button. Each task will be displayed as a list item with a checkbox to mark it as completed, an edit button to update the task, and a delete button to remove it from the list.
To mark a task as completed, simply click on the checkbox. The task will be crossed out to indicate that it has been completed.
To update a task, click on the edit button. This will display a modal with the current task text and an input field to update it. Once you have made your changes, click the "Update" button to save the new task text.
To delete a task, click on the delete button. This will remove the task from the list permanently.
This application was built using the following technologies:
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps
Here are some potential improvements that could be made to this application:
- Add a search bar to filter tasks by name or status
- Implement drag and drop functionality to allow users to reorder tasks
- Store the task list in a backend database to enable multiple users and persistence
- Add authentication to restrict access to the task list to authorized users only.