You are the administrator of this server.
Some hackers plant viruses.
You have to stop them to avoid a kernel panic! username & password: 'admin'
ssh -p 2223 username & password: 'admin'
Or using any other ssh client.
(Note any ssh key and any user/password will work - there is no check)
go run ./cmd/local
will start a local version (installed Go is required)
In some terminals the scroll wheel just works.
In others, just use the "PageUp" and "PageDown" or "ctrl+u" and "ctrl+d"
"ctrl+c" or type "exit"
• ls {Path} (list directory)
• mkdir {Path} (create folder)
• cd {Path} (change directory)
• rm {Path} (delete file)
• ps (list processes)
• kill {PID} (kill process)