NetworkSwift a plain, simple and convenient wrapper around URLSession
that supports common needs. A library that is small enough to read in one go but useful enough to include in any project.
- Super friendly API
- No external dependencies
- Optimized for unit testing
- Minimal implementation
- Simple request cancellation
- Cancelable requests
- Multipart requests
First of all, you need to create an object conforms to IURLProvider
protocol. It provides baseURL & baseHeaders which could be different & depended on Endpoint (e.g. .v1, .v2, .staging etc.)
Create a request:
public struct SomeRequest: INetworkRequest {
public let path = "some/request"
public let method: HTTPMethod = .get
public let body: HTTPParameters
init(token: String, refreshToken: String) {
self.body = [
"accessToken": token,
"refreshToken": refreshToken,
public func decode(_ data: Data?) throws -> SomeEntity {
try self.mapEntity(data)
And then dispatch the request
let network = NetworkClient(session:, requestBuilder:)
let task = network.dispatch(SomeRequest(:)) { result in
/// Swift.Result
ReactSwift supports iOS 9 and up, and can be compiled with Swift 4.2 and up.
The ReactSwift package URL is:
NetworkSwift is licensed under the Apache-2.0 Open Source license.
You are free to do with it as you please. We do welcome attribution, and would love to hear from you if you are using it in a project!