This repository contains data and documentation for a bird migration case study, which focuses on one week of intense bird migration across the Netherlands and Belgium, from April 5 to April 11 2013.
The data for this study are retrieved by five weather radars and are very similar to the kind of data that the European Network for the Radar Surveillance of Animal Movement (ENRAM) wants to retrieve at a European scale. Being able to process and visualize this type of data would allow researchers to study and understand animal migration at a continental scale.
Read more about the case study.
- Temporal coverage:
. All datetimes are in UTC. - Spatial coverage:
. All coordinates are WGS84. - Number of radars: 5 weather radars: 2 in the Netherlands, 3 in Belgium (see radars).
These case study data are visualized in:
- The bird migration flow visualization by LifeWatch INBO
- TIMAMP by the winners of the Bird migration visualization challenge & hackathon