dwm is an extremely fast, small and dynamic window manager for X.
will grab dependencies (assuming you runArch Linux
or it's derivatives) and make, install suckless utilities.- In order to build dwm you need the Xlib header files.
- libxft-bgra for coloured emojis in suckless utilities.
- comment
FcBool iscol
in drw.c
- comment
git clone https://github.com/alokshandilya/suckless.git
cd suckless
git clone
this repo and runinstall.sh
...assuming you are on Arch linux or it's derivative
currently, i use standard dmenu package of
- status2d
- systray
- xrdb
- status2d-xrdb
- cool-autostart
- switchtotag
- preserveonrestart
- vanitygaps
- cfacts
- pertag
- alwayscenter
- cyclelayouts
- winicon
- movestack
- scratchpad
- actualfullscreen
- alttagsdecoration
- restartsig
- restoreafterrestart
- keychord
- statuspadding
- dwm-adjacenttag-skipvacant
- fixborder
- noborder
- hidevacanttag
- maybe a few more ...