- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/amanchauhan06/stock_app.git
- cd into the directory
cd stock_app
git fetch origin engine-microservice
- Change the branch
git checkout engine-microservice
- Run
cd ..
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/amanchauhan06/matching_engine.git
- cd into the directory
cd matching_engine
git fetch origin engine-microservice
git checkout engine-microservice
To start the project npm run start:dev
- Install redis
brew install redis
- Run Redis server
- To start the project
npm run start:dev
- Connect to the socket through request provided in postman collection (stock_app_socket)
- After that hit the post api provided in order folder of collection (stock_app)
- Nest.js
- Socket.io
- Redis