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a proof that our set of laws/equations is actually complete (teorth#618)
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nomeata and pitmonticone authored Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 1823299 commit 1736475
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Showing 3 changed files with 436 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions equational_theories.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import equational_theories.FreeComm
import equational_theories.MagmaOp
import equational_theories.Subgraph
import equational_theories.Equations.All
import equational_theories.Equations.LawsComplete
import equational_theories.InfModel
import equational_theories.Generated
import equational_theories.Counting
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334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions equational_theories/Equations/LawsComplete.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
import equational_theories.RArray
import equational_theories.MagmaLaw
import equational_theories.Equations.All

This module proves that are actually looking at at the laws we claim to be looking at.
See `laws_complete` for the main result.

open Lean Elab in
An elaborator to assemble all the separate `Law{n}` definitions into one data structure.
elab "defineLaws%" : term => do
let consts : RArray Expr := RArray.ofFn (h := by omega) fun (⟨i, _⟩ : Fin 4694) =>
mkConst (.mkSimple s!"Law{i+1}")
return consts.toExpr (mkConst ``Law.NatMagmaLaw) id

All the separte `Law{n}` definitions in one data structure.
example : laws[1000] = Law1001 := rfl
def laws : RArray Law.NatMagmaLaw := defineLaws%

example : laws[1000] = Law1001 := rfl

The laws are in order, so we can use binary search to find it.

/-- An ordering on `FreeMagma` that coincides with the order we put the laws in. -/
def FreeMagma.comp (m1 m2 : FreeMagma Nat) : Ordering :=
if m1.forks < m2.forks then
else if m1.forks > m2.forks then
else match m1, m2 with
| .Leaf n, .Leaf m => compare n m
| .Leaf _, .Fork _ _ => .lt
| .Fork _ _, .Leaf _ => .gt
| .Fork l1 r1, .Fork l2 r2 => (l1.comp l2).then (r1.comp r2)

/-- The number of forks in a magma law. -/
def Law.MagmaLaw.forks {α} (l : Law.MagmaLaw α) : Nat :=
l.lhs.forks + l.rhs.forks

/-- An ordering on `NatMagmaLaw` that coincides with the order we put the laws in. -/
def Law.MagmaLaw.comp (l1 l2 : Law.NatMagmaLaw) : Ordering :=
let l1' := (fun _ => 0)
let l2' := (fun _ => 0)
Ordering.then (compare l1.forks l2.forks) <|
Ordering.then (FreeMagma.comp l1'.lhs l2'.lhs) <|
Ordering.then (FreeMagma.comp l1'.rhs l2'.rhs) <|
Ordering.then (FreeMagma.comp l1.lhs l2.lhs) <|
(FreeMagma.comp l1.rhs l2.rhs)

Binary search on `laws` for a given law. If the given law is not in `laws`, an arbitrary value is
def findMagmaLaw (l : Law.NatMagmaLaw) : Nat :=
go 0 laws.size (laws.size+1) (by omega)
go lb w fuel (hfuel : w < fuel) := match fuel with
| 0 => by contradiction
| fuel+1 =>
if _ : w ≤ 1 then
let w' := w/2
let mid := lb + w'
let l' := laws[mid]
if l.comp l' = .lt then
go lb w' fuel (by omega)
go mid (w-w') fuel (by omega)
termination_by structural fuel

/-- The largest used variable. -/
def FreeMagma.max : FreeMagma Nat → Nat
| .Leaf i => i
| .Fork l r => Nat.max l.max r.max

/-- The largest used variable. -/
def Law.MagmaLaw.max (l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat) : Nat := Nat.max l.lhs.max l.rhs.max

/-- Canonically reorders variables -/
def FreeMagma.canonicalize (m : FreeMagma Nat) : FreeMagma Nat :=
((go m).run #[]).run.1
go : FreeMagma Nat → StateM (Array Nat) (FreeMagma Nat)
| .Leaf v => do
let xs ← get
match xs.indexOf? v with
| some i => return .Leaf i
| none =>
set (xs.push v)
return .Leaf xs.size
| .Fork l r => do
let l ← go l
let r ← go r
return .Fork l r

/-- Canonically reorders variables -/
def Law.MagmaLaw.canonicalize (l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat) : Law.MagmaLaw Nat :=
( #[]).run.1
go : StateM (Array Nat) Law.NatMagmaLaw := do
let lhs' ← FreeMagma.canonicalize.go l.lhs
let rhs' ← FreeMagma.canonicalize.go l.rhs
return ⟨lhs', rhs'⟩

/-- Checks whether variables are canonically ordered -/
def FreeMagma.is_canonical (next : Nat) : FreeMagma Nat → Option Nat
| .Leaf i => do
if i < next then
return next
else if i = next then
return next + 1
| .Fork l r => do
let next' ← l.is_canonical next
let next'' ← r.is_canonical next'
return next''

Checks whether a magma law is canonical:
* Variables are canonically labeled
* `lhs < rhs` (with the exception of `0 ≃ 0`)
* The symetric law did not come first
def Law.MagmaLaw.is_canonical (l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat) : Bool :=
((l.lhs.is_canonical 0).bind (fun n => l.rhs.is_canonical n)).isSome &&
(l.lhs.comp l.rhs = .lt || l.lhs = .Leaf 0) &&
!(l.symm.canonicalize.comp l = .lt)

theorem FreeMagma.canonicalize_is_canonical (m : FreeMagma Nat) (xs : Array Nat) :
(FreeMagma.canonicalize.go m xs).run.1.is_canonical xs.size = some (FreeMagma.canonicalize.go m xs).run.2.size := by
induction m generalizing xs with
| Leaf v =>
simp only [, canonicalize.go, bind, StateT.bind, get, getThe, MonadStateOf.get,
StateT.get, pure, set]
cases xs.indexOf? v
case none =>
simp [StateT.bind, pure, StateT.pure, set, StateT.set, is_canonical]
case some =>
simp [StateT.bind, pure, StateT.pure, set, StateT.set, is_canonical]
| Fork l r ih1 ih2 =>
specialize ih1 xs
specialize ih2 (canonicalize.go l xs).2
simp_all [canonicalize.go, bind,,, StateT.bind, pure, StateT.pure, set, StateT.set, is_canonical,
bind, StateT.bind]

A decision procedure for checking a predicate for all canonical magma laws of a certain size.
The proofs are rather unpretty; maybe phrasing everything in terms of `Decidable` would
have made that easier. But what works works.

def testNat : Nat → (P : Nat → Bool) → Bool
| 0, _ => true
| n+1, P => P n && testNat n P

def testAllSplits (s : Nat) (P : Nat → Nat → Bool) : Bool :=
testNat (s+1) fun s' => P s' (s-s')

def testFreeMagmas (s n : Nat) (P : Nat → FreeMagma Nat → Bool) :=
match s with
| 0 =>
testNat (n+1) fun i =>
P (if i < n then n else n+1) (.Leaf i)
| s+1 =>
testAllSplits s fun s1 s2 =>
assert! s1 + s2 = s -- Cunning trick to ensure termination!
testFreeMagmas s1 n fun n' l =>
testFreeMagmas s2 n' fun n'' r =>
P n'' (.Fork l r)

def testLaws (s : Nat) (P : Law.NatMagmaLaw → Bool) :=
testAllSplits s fun s1 s2 =>
testFreeMagmas s1 0 fun n' l =>
testFreeMagmas s2 n' fun _ r =>
if l = .Leaf 0 || l.comp r = .lt then
let law := ⟨l, r⟩
if law.symm.canonicalize.comp law = .lt then
P law

def testLawsUpto (s : Nat) (P : Law.NatMagmaLaw → Bool) :=
testNat (s+1) fun s' => testLaws s' P

/-- info: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval testLaws 2 (fun l => l.forks = 2 ∧ l.is_canonical)

/-- info: true -/
#guard_msgs in
#eval testLaws 4 (fun l => l.forks = 4 ∧ l.is_canonical)

theorem FreeMagmas.forks_eq_0_iff (m : FreeMagma Nat) :
m.forks = 0 ↔ ∃ v, m = .Leaf v := by cases m <;> simp [FreeMagma.forks]

theorem FreeMagmas.forks_eq_succ_iff (m : FreeMagma Nat) n :
m.forks = n+1 ↔ ∃ l r, m = .Fork l r ∧ l.forks + r.forks = n := by
cases m
case Leaf => simp [FreeMagma.forks]
case Fork l r =>
simp only [FreeMagma.forks, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.add_right_cancel_iff]
· intro h; use l, r
· rintro ⟨_, _, ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, _⟩; assumption

theorem testNat_spec (n : Nat) P :
testNat n P = true ↔ ∀ i < n, P i := by
induction n
next => simp [testNat]
next n ih =>
simp_all [testNat, Nat.lt_succ_iff_lt_or_eq]; clear ih
· rintro ⟨h1,h2⟩ i ⟨h2|h3⟩
· exact h2 i (Nat.lt_add_one i)
· exact h2 i (Nat.lt_succ_of_lt h3)
· subst i; assumption
· exact fun h ↦ ⟨h _ (Or.inr rfl), fun i h2 ↦ h _ (Or.inl h2)⟩

theorem testAllSplits_spec (n : Nat) P :
testAllSplits n P = true ↔ ∀ s1 s2, s1 + s2 = n → P s1 s2 := by
rw [testAllSplits, testNat_spec]
· intro h s1 s2 hs12
convert h s1 ?lt <;> omega
· intro h i hlt
apply h

theorem testFreeMagmas_spec (s n : Nat) P :
testFreeMagmas s n P = true ↔ ∀ m n', m.forks = s → m.is_canonical n = some n' → P n' m = true := by
induction s, n, P using testFreeMagmas.induct
next n P =>
simp (config := {contextual := true}) [testFreeMagmas, testNat_spec, FreeMagma.is_canonical]
· intro h
rintro _ n' i rfl heq
specialize h i
split at heq
next hlt => simp_all; apply h; omega
next =>
split at heq
next => simp_all
next => simp_all
· intro h i hi
apply h _ _ _ rfl
split <;> simp
next n P s ih2 ih1 =>
simp (config := {contextual := true}) [testFreeMagmas, FreeMagma.is_canonical,
testAllSplits_spec, Option.bind_eq_some]
· rintro h _ n' l r rfl hadd n'' hcan1 hcan2
exact ((ih2 _ _ hadd) _ l).mp ((ih1 _ _ hadd).mp (h _ _ hadd) _ _ rfl hcan1) _ _ rfl hcan2
· intro h s1 s2 hadd
rw [ih1 _ _ hadd]
intro l n' hl hcan1
rw [ih2 _ _ hadd]
intro r n'' hr hcan2
apply h _ n'' l r rfl (by simp [*])
· exact hcan1
· exact hcan2

theorem testLaws_spec (s : Nat) P :
testLaws s P = true ↔ ∀ l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat, l.forks = s → l.is_canonical → P l = true := by
unfold testLaws
simp [testAllSplits_spec, testFreeMagmas_spec, Decidable.or_iff_not_imp_left]
· rintro h ⟨l, r⟩ hs hcan
simp [Law.MagmaLaw.is_canonical] at hcan
obtain ⟨⟨hcan, hcomp⟩, hsymm⟩ := hcan
cases hcan1 : (FreeMagma.is_canonical 0 l)
case none => simp [hcan1] at hcan
case some n' =>
cases hcan2 : (FreeMagma.is_canonical n' r)
case none => simp [hcan1, hcan2] at hcan
case some n'' =>
apply h l.forks r.forks hs l _ rfl hcan1 _ _ rfl hcan2
· intro hnLf0; simp_all
· assumption
· rintro h s1 s2 hs12 l n' hl hcan1 r n'' hr hcan2 hcomp hsymm
apply h
· simp [Law.MagmaLaw.forks, hs12, hl, hr]
· simp [Law.MagmaLaw.is_canonical, hcan1, hcan2, hsymm]

theorem testLawsUpto_spec (s : Nat) P :
testLawsUpto s P = true ↔ ∀ l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat, l.forks ≤ s → l.is_canonical → P l = true := by
simp [testLawsUpto, testLaws_spec, testNat_spec, Nat.lt_succ_iff]
· intro h i his hcanon
apply h _ his _ rfl hcanon
· rintro h i his l rfl hcanon
apply h _ his hcanon

Here we do the actual computation. For now using `native_decide`, more serious
engineering is necessary if we insist on using `by decide` here.
theorem testLawsUpto4_computation :
testLawsUpto 4 (fun l => laws[findMagmaLaw l] = l) = true := by native_decide

theorem laws_complete' :
∀ l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat, l.forks ≤ 4 → l.is_canonical → laws[findMagmaLaw l] = l := by
simpa [decide_eq_true_eq]
using (testLawsUpto_spec 4 (fun l => laws[findMagmaLaw l] = l)).mp testLawsUpto4_computation

This theorem demonstrates that `laws`, the list of laws considered in this project, indeed
contains all (canonically represented) magma laws up to 4 operations.
theorem laws_complete :
∀ l : Law.MagmaLaw Nat, l.forks ≤ 4 → l.is_canonical → ∃ (i : Nat), laws[i] = l :=
fun l hl hcan => ⟨findMagmaLaw l, laws_complete' l hl hcan⟩

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