Parameter-efficient embeddings for proteins, pretrained using a contrastive loss to maximize mutual information between local and sequentially global embeddings.
For more details, see:
Pretrained model weights are hosted here.
To download weights for the default (i.e. most parameter-efficient) version of the CPCProt model:
cd <directory_to_store_weights>
To download the CPCProt_LSTM and CPCProt_GRU_Large model variants reported in our paper, replace CPCProt__pretrained
with CPCProt_LSTM__pretrained
and CPCProt_GRU_large__pretrained
, respectively.
git clone
cd CPCProt
pip install -e .
To embed a single sequence using the default model configurations, this HuggingFace-like interface can be used:
import torch
from CPCProt.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from CPCProt import CPCProtModel, CPCProtEmbedding
ckpt_path = "data/best.ckpt" # Replace with actual path to CPCProt weights
model = CPCProtModel()
embedder = CPCProtEmbedding(model)
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
# Example primary sequence
# Tokenize and convert to torch tensor
input = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(seq)]) # (1, L)
# We note three ways to obtain pooled embeddings from CPCProt.
# z_mean and c_mean are the averages of non-padded tokens in z and c, respectively.
# In our paper, we find that z_mean is best for tasks where local effects
# are important (e.g. deep mutational scanning tasks)
# c_final is the final position of the context vector.
# We find that this is best for tasks where global information
# is important (e.g. remote homology tasks).
z_mean = embedder.get_z_mean(input) # (1, 512)
c_mean = embedder.get_c_mean(input) # (1, 512)
c_final = embedder.get_c_final(input) # (1, 512)
# $z$ is the output of the CPCProt encoder
z = embedder.get_z(input) # (1, L // 11, 512)
# $c$ is the output of the CPCProt autoregressor
c = embedder.get_c(input) # (1, L // 11, 512)
Instantiating CPCProtModel()
will create a model using the default model configurations for embedding dimension, patch length, K
, etc.
To embed using the CPCProt_LSTM and CPCProt_GRU_Large model variants, the CPCProtConfig
class attributes must be modified.
import json
import torch
from CPCProt import CPCProtConfig, CPCProtModel, CPCProtEmbedding
config = CPCProtConfig()
# Update config class attributes with JSON config
with open("model_configs/gru_large.json") as f: # Replace if path to config file is different
config_dict = json.load(f)
config.__dict__ = config_dict
model = CPCProtModel(config)
ckpt_path = "data/gru_large/best.ckpt" # Replace with actual path to CPCProt_GRU_Large weights
state_dict = dict(torch.load(ckpt_path))
# GRU_Large and LSTM variants were trained on multi-GPUs using DataParallel
# Use this hack get state_dict keys to match
for i in list(state_dict.keys()):
if i.startswith('module.'):
state_dict[i[7:]] = state_dict[i]
del state_dict[i]
embedder = CPCProtEmbedding(model)
# Call methods for getting embeddings
# ...
To obtain static embeddings for an entire FASTA file, see
, which saves computed NumPy embeddings as a .pkl file. An example command line usage:
python \
--fasta_file data/example.fasta \
--output_file data/example_embeddings.pkl \
--model_weights data/best.ckpt # path to where the model weight was saved.
python --help
will bring up more options, default settings, etc.
For now, please ensure the header is consistent with that in the data/example.fasta
file. In the future, we will make the FASTA dataloader compatible with more header formats.
This repository also includes code for pretraining for reproducibility purposes.
We use Sacred for hyperparameter tracking, logging, and easy configuration from JSON. See the Sacred documentation for more details. Example configs with pretraining options are in the model_config
Specifying Sacred parameters from the command line is documented here. Logging relies on Sacred logging observer classes; more information is here. By default, the FileStorageObserver
is used.
To make use of the training and evaluation framework for benchmarking against Tasks Assessing Protein Embeddings (TAPE), we build on top of the framework at To install:
pip install tape-proteins==0.3
To run pretraining (ensure that tape-proteins
and the packages specified in environment.txt
are installed):
For consistency when comparing against benchmarks, we pretrain using the same data. For details on how to structure the data directory for pretraining, see the data documentation in the TAPE repository.
There should be a symlink between the project home directory to the directory where data is stored. Logs will also be stored here, in a subdirectory logs/
To specify hyperparameters from the command line:
python with "batch_size=128"
An example for sweeping hyperparameters with SLURM is in launch_scripts/
trains a single model using a LR/kNN head on static CPC/BERT/UniREP embeddings. To train a grid of models on a cluster, use launch_scripts/
, updating cpc_models_folder
, output_folder
and data_root
As noted in our paper, for consistency with benchmarks, finetuning results using MLP/CNN heads uses the tape-train
and tape-eval
interfaces. We use a light wrapper around the interface (CPCProt/
and CPCProt/
), which allows us register downstream heads. The TAPE interface does not allow us to specify downstream hyperparameters (ex: embedding method, CPC model path) as command line arguments - only as a JSON file.
An example call to the training and evaluation scripts is shown in launch_scripts/
. The script launch_scripts/
will generate json files for each hyperparameter combination for each model, and run them on a cluster. Update the path for cpc_models_folder
and output_folder
and data_root
amyxlu [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu.