Euclidean geometry in javascript. Here's a demo; here's another one (mess with it by clicking "Play with the geometry background!" at the bottom).
NOTE: Still very preliminary / experimental.
git clone
cd euclid
npm install
Add dist/geometry.css
for the basic SVG styles.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="geometry.css">
Put an <svg>
element somewhere.
<svg class="geometry-scene" viewbox="0 0 800 800"></svg>
Pull in the javascript, either as a node module...
var geom = require('euclid');
or a browser standalone(ish) script (depends on d3
to be
loaded already).
<script src="js/vendor/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/geometry.js"></script> <!-- exposes geom as a global -->
And then
var scene = new geom.Scene({
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 1000,
bottom: 1000
.point('A', width/7*3, height/3) // add a couple of free points.
.poinnt('B', width/7*5, height/3)
.segment('S', 'A', 'B')
// add circle centered at point 'A', with point 'B' on its circumference.
.circle('M', 'A', 'B')
.circle('N', 'B', 'A')
// tag subsequent objects with string 'layer2', used by renderer to add
// arbitrary CSS classes to svg objects.
// let C and D be the two intersections of circles M and N
.intersection('C', 'M', 'N', 0)
.intersection('D', 'M', 'N', 1)
.line('T', 'A', 'C')
.segment('U', 'A', 'D')
// let E be the intersection of line T and circle M that *isn't* equivalent to point C.
.intersection('E', 'T', 'M', scene.isnt('C') )
.segment('V', 'E', 'B')
.intersection('F', 'V', 'U')
.segment('W', 'F', 'C')
.intersection('W', 'S')
// render using d3.
var render = geom.renderer(scene, document.querySelector('svg'));