Hi! This repo is a personal React-Native case study with a Pokedex UI Design gathering many projects found at Dribbble and Behance. Below, there is a list of the projects used for inspiration:
# Pokedex iOS app - Squirtle by Daniel Motta
# Pokédex App - V.2, by Chira Chirakijja
# Pokedex App, by Saepul Nahwan
In this project, I am using Expo to build the application. According to the Expo's website, it is an open-source platform for making universal native apps with Javascript and React. Basically, it helps to manage packages and dependencies of the React app. The main requirements to run the project:
Clone this repo:
Install Node.js
Install Expo
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Start the app running Expo client
expo start
Expo will open the app on an internet browser, and you can either navigate on the web or scan a QR Code and run on the phone.
Come back later for other improvements!