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Move PCAs to separate file, define CAs.
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andrejbauer committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 630e704 commit af4fffb
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Showing 6 changed files with 303 additions and 223 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.

import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.Basic
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.PartialCombinatoryAlgebra
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.Programming
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.CombinatoryAlgebra
199 changes: 0 additions & 199 deletions PartialCombinatoryAlgebras/Basic.lean
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@@ -1,28 +1,4 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Part
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic

# Partial combinatory algebras
A partial combinatory algebra is a set equipped with a partial binary operation,
which has the so-called combinators `K` and `S`. We formalize it in two stages.
We first define the class `PartialApplication` which equips a given set `A` with
a partial binary operation. One might expect such an operation to have type
`A → A → Part A`, but this leads to complications because it is not composable.
So instead we specify that a partial operation is a map of type `Part A → Part A → Part A`.
In other words, we *always* work with partial elements, and separately state that they are
total as necessary.
(It would be natural to require that the applications be strict, i.e., if the result is defined
so are its arguments. An early version did so, but the assumption of strictness was never used.)
We then define the class `PCA` (partial combinatory algebra) to be an extension of
`PartialApplication`. It prescribed combinators `K` and `S` satisfying the usual properties.
Following our strategy, `K` and `S` are again partial elements on the carrier set,
with a separate claim that they are total.

/-- A notation for totality of a partial element (we find writing `x.Dom` a bit silly). -/
notation:50 u:max " ⇓ " => Part.Dom u
Expand All @@ -42,178 +18,3 @@ class PartialApplication (A : Type*) where

instance PartialApplication.hasDot {A : Type*} [PartialApplication A] : HasDot (Part A) where
dot := app

/-- The partial combinatory structure on a set `A`. -/
class PCA (A : Type*) extends PartialApplication A where
K : Part A
S : Part A
df_K₀ : K ⇓
df_K₁ : ∀ {u : Part A}, u ⇓ → (K ⬝ u) ⇓
df_S₀ : S ⇓
df_S₁ : ∀ {u : Part A}, u ⇓ → (S ⬝ u) ⇓
df_S₂ : ∀ {u v : Part A}, u ⇓ → v ⇓ → (S ⬝ u ⬝ v) ⇓
eq_K : ∀ (u v : Part A), u ⇓ → v ⇓ → (K ⬝ u ⬝ v) = u
eq_S : ∀ (u v w : Part A), u ⇓ → v ⇓ → w ⇓ → S ⬝ u ⬝ v ⬝ w = (u ⬝ w) ⬝ (v ⬝ w)

attribute [simp] PCA.df_K₀
attribute [simp] PCA.df_K₁
attribute [simp] PCA.eq_K
attribute [simp] PCA.df_S₀
attribute [simp] PCA.df_S₁
attribute [simp] PCA.df_S₂
attribute [simp] PCA.eq_S

/-- Every PCA is inhabited. We pick K as its default element. -/
instance PCA.inhabited {A : Type*} [PCA A] : Inhabited A where
default := K.get df_K₀

/-! `Expr Γ A` is the type of expressions built inductively from
constants `K` and `S`, variables in `Γ` (the variable context),
the elements of a carrier set `A`, and formal binary application.
The usual accounts of PCAs typically do not introduce `K` and `S`
as separate constants, because a PCA `A` already contains such combinators.
However, as we defined the combinators to be partial elements, it is more
convenient to have separate primitive constants denoting them.
Also, this way `A` need not be an applicative structure.

/-- Expressions with variables from context `Γ` and elements from `A`. -/
inductive Expr (Γ A : Type*) where
/-- Formal expression denoting the K combinator -/
| K : Expr Γ A
/-- Formal expression denoting the S combinator -/
| S : Expr Γ A
/-- An element as a formal expression -/
| elm : A → Expr Γ A
/-- A variable as a formal expression -/
| var : Γ → Expr Γ A
/-- Formal expression application -/
| app : Expr Γ A → Expr Γ A → Expr Γ A

/-- Formal application as a binary operation `·` -/
instance Expr.hasDot {Γ A : Type*} : HasDot (Expr Γ A) where
dot :=

namespace Expr
universe u v
variable {Γ : Type u} [DecidableEq Γ]
variable {A : Type v} [PCA A]

/-- A valuation `η : Γ → A` assigning elements to variables,
with the value of `x` overridden to be `a`. -/
def override (x : Γ) (a : A) (η : Γ → A) (y : Γ) : A :=
if y = x then a else η y

/-- Evaluate an expression with respect to a given valuation `η`. -/
def eval (η : Γ → A): Expr Γ A → Part A
| .K => PCA.K
| .S => PCA.S
| .elm a => .some a
| .var x => .some (η x)
| .app e₁ e₂ => (eval η e₁) ⬝ (eval η e₂)

/-- An expression is said to be defined when it is defined at every valuation. -/
def defined (e : Expr Γ A) := ∀ (η : Γ → A), (eval η e) ⇓

/-- The substitution of an element for the extra variable. -/
def subst (x : Γ) (a : A) : Expr Γ A → Expr Γ A
| K => K
| S => S
| elm b => elm b
| var y => if y = x then elm a else var y
| app e₁ e₂ => (subst x a e₁) ⬝ (subst x a e₂)

/-- `abstr e` is an expression with one fewer variables than
the expression `e`, which works similarly to function
abastraction in the λ-calculus. It is at the heart of
combinatory completeness. -/
def abstr (x : Γ): Expr Γ A → Expr Γ A
| K => K ⬝ K
| S => K ⬝ S
| elm a => K ⬝ elm a
| var y => if y = x then S ⬝ K ⬝ K else K ⬝ var y
| app e₁ e₂ => S ⬝ (abstr x e₁) ⬝ (abstr x e₂)

/-- An abstraction is defined. -/
lemma df_abstr (x : Γ) (e : Expr Γ A) : defined (abstr x e) := by
intro η
induction e
case K => simp [eval]
case S => simp [eval]
case elm => simp [eval]
case var y =>
cases (decEq y x)
case isFalse h => simp [abstr, eval, h]
case isTrue h => simp [abstr, eval, h]
case app e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂ => simp [eval, ih₁, ih₂]

/-- `eval_abstr e` behaves like abstraction in the extra variable.
This is known as *combinatory completeness*. -/
lemma eval_abstr (x : Γ) (e : Expr Γ A) (a : A) (η : Γ → A):
eval η (abstr x e ⬝ elm a) = eval (override x a η) e := by
induction e
case K => simp [eval]
case S => simp [eval]
case elm => simp [eval]
case var y =>
cases (decEq y x)
case isFalse h => simp [eval, abstr, override, h]
case isTrue h => simp [eval, abstr, override, h]
case app e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
simp [abstr, eval] at ih₁
simp [abstr, eval] at ih₂
simp [abstr, eval, df_abstr x _ η, ih₁, ih₂]

/-- Like `eval_abstr` but with the application on the outside of `eval`. -/
lemma eval_abstr_app (η : Γ → A) (x : Γ) (e : Expr Γ A) (u : Part A) (hu : u ⇓) :
eval η (abstr x e) ⬝ u = eval (override x (u.get hu) η) e := by
_ = eval η (abstr x e ⬝ elm (u.get hu)) := by simp [eval]
_ = eval (override x (u.get hu) η) e := by apply eval_abstr

lemma eval_override (η : Γ → A) (x : Γ) (a : A) (e : Expr Γ A) :
eval (override x a η) e = eval η (subst x a e) := by
induction e
case K => simp [eval]
case S => simp [eval]
case elm => simp [eval]
case var y =>
cases (decEq y x)
case isFalse p => simp [eval, subst, p]
case isTrue p => simp [eval, subst, p]
case app e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂ => simp [eval, ih₁, ih₂]

/-- Compile an expression to a partial element, substituting
the default value for any variables occurring in e. -/
def compile (e : Expr Γ A) : Part A :=
eval (fun _ => default) e

/-- Evaluate an expression under the assumption that it is closed.
Return `inl x` if variable `x` is encountered, otherwise `inr u`
where `u` is the partial element so obtained. -/
def eval_closed : Expr Γ A → Sum Γ (Part A)
| K => return PCA.K
| S => return PCA.S
| elm a => return (some a)
| var x => .inl x
| app e₁ e₂ =>
let a₁ ← eval_closed e₁ ;
let a₂ ← eval_closed e₂ ;
return (a₁ ⬝ a₂)

syntax:20 "≪" term "≫" term:20 : term

| `(≪ $x:term ≫ $a:term) => `(Expr.abstr $x $a)

syntax "[pca: " term "]" : term
| `([pca: $e:term ]) => `(Expr.compile (Γ := Lean.Name) $e)

end Expr
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions PartialCombinatoryAlgebras/CombinatoryAlgebra.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Part
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.Basic

/-- A (total) combinatory structure on a set `A`. -/
class CA (A : Type*) extends HasDot A where
K : A
S : A
eq_K : ∀ {a b : A}, K ⬝ a ⬝ b = a
eq_S : ∀ (a b c : A), S ⬝ a ⬝ b ⬝ c = (a ⬝ c) ⬝ (b ⬝ c)

attribute [simp] PCA.eq_K
attribute [simp] PCA.eq_S

/-- Missing from `Part` -/
def Part.map₂ {α β γ : Type*} (f : α → β → γ) (u : Part α) (v : Part β) : Part γ :=
⟨u.Dom ∧ v.Dom, fun p => f (u.get (And.left p)) (v.get (And.right p))⟩

lemma Part.eq_map₂_some {α β γ : Type*} (f : α → β → γ) (a : α) (b : β) :
Part.map₂ f (.some a) (.some b) = .some (f a b) := by
ext c
simp [map₂]
constructor <;> apply Eq.symm

namespace CA

/-- A total application induces a partial application -/
instance partialApp {A : Type} [d : HasDot A] : PartialApplication A where
app := Part.map₂

lemma eq_app {A : Type} [HasDot A] {u v : Part A} (hu : u ⇓) (hv : v ⇓):
u ⬝ v = .some (u.get hu ⬝ v.get hv) := by
nth_rewrite 1 [←Part.some_get hu]
nth_rewrite 1 [←Part.some_get hv]
apply Part.eq_map₂_some

/-- A combinatory algebra is a PCA -/
instance isPCA {A : Type} [CA A] : PCA A where
K := .some K
S := .some S
df_K₀ := by trivial
df_K₁ := by intros ; trivial
eq_K := by intro _ _ hu hv ; simp [CA.eq_app, hu, hv, CA.eq_K]
df_S₀ := by trivial
df_S₁ := by intros ; trivial
df_S₂ := by intros ; trivial
eq_S := by intro _ _ _ hu hv hw ; simp [CA.eq_app, hu, hv, hw, CA.eq_S]

end CA
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions PartialCombinatoryAlgebras/FreeCombinatoryAlgebra.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.Basic
import PartialCombinatoryAlgebras.PartialCombinatoryAlgebra

/-! # Free (total) combinatory algebra -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ instance CAisApplicativeStructure : PartialApplication carrier where
theorem df_app (u v : Part carrier) : u ⇓ → v ⇓ → (u ⬝ v) ⇓ := by
intros hu hv
unfold raise₂

instance CAisPCA : PCA carrier where
K := mk .K
Expand All @@ -83,8 +84,8 @@ instance CAisPCA : PCA carrier where
df_S₁ hu := by simp [hu]
df_S₂ hu hv := by simp [hu, hv]

eq_K u v hu hv := by
eq_K u v hu hv := by sorry

eq_S u v w _ _ _ := sorry
eq_S u v w _ _ _ := by sorry

end FreeCombinatoryAlgebra

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