This repository contains example applications built on top of Trillian, showing that it's possible to apply Transparency concepts to problems other than Certificates.
Currently the examples here are:
- binary_transparency/firmware: A demo showing how to apply transparency bring discoverability to device firmware updates, but the principles are also more generally applicable to all kinds of binaries/updates.
- serverless: A suite of command-line tools for managing transparency logs whose state is entirely composed of on-disk files, along with examples of how to use GitHub/GitHub Actions to host & publicly serve the log.
- sumdbaudit: Demonstration of an auditor for the GoLang SumDB module proxy, which clones a log and verifies the data in it.
- tritter: An example / demo of a chat service with audit capability.
These examples are not supported per-se, but the Trillian team will likely try to help where possible. You can contact them via the channels listed under Support on the Trillian repo.