To install package-name
for use within your project use yarn or npm
# Install locally in home directory
$ git clone ~/package-name
# Install dependencies
$ cd ~/package-name
$ yarn install
# build the application
$ yarn build:ssr
# OPTIONAL: export static html files
$ yarn build:ssg
To start the NextJS development server invoke the following command,
$ yarn dev
Use a browser's devtools to help debug React code. For example, in Chrome you can use the Source tab in their DevTools to set breakpoints, etc.
Our deployment script utilize Terraform as the infra-as-code solution. As a prerequisite, you must download and install Terraform
Next, you'll need to configure your AWS credentials
Once you have Terraform installed and AWS credentials configured you can invoke the following basic commands,
export AWS_PROFILE=<some-profile>
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
Once you're familiar enough with Terraform, please follow the best practices. Setting up a remote backend is a must.