A collection of tools meant to make developers' lives easier.
- Python 2.7 (or Python 2.6 with the package python-argparse)
- MySQL or PostgreSQL
Most of the tools work on Moodle 1.9 onwards, but some CLI scripts required by MDK might not be available in all versions.
The commands are called using that form:
mdk <command> <arguments>
Get some help on a command using:
mdk <command> --help
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:2x1cq-fred-7nqa6/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install moodle-sdk
# Most settings are probably good as they are, just configure your remote and database engines.
sudo mdk init
# The next line prevents you from logging out and in again.
sudo su `whoami`
You're done! Try the following command to create a typical Stable Master instance (this will take some time because the cache is still empty):
mdk create
mdk list
Now you should be able to access it from http://moodle-sdk/stable_master.
cd /opt
sudo git clone git://github.com/FMCorz/mdk.git moodle-sdk
sudo chmod +x /opt/moodle-sdk/mdk.py
sudo ln -s /opt/moodle-sdk/mdk.py /usr/local/bin/mdk
Assuming that you are using Apache, which is set up to serve the files from /var/www, leave the default values as they are in mdk init
, except for your remote and the database passwords.
mkdir ~/www
sudo ln -s ~/www /var/www/m
sudo mdk init
Try the following command to create a typical Stable Master instance (this will take some time because the cache is still empty):
mdk create
mdk list
Now you should be able to access it from http://localhost/m/stable_master.
Set up aliases of your Moodle commands.
This line defines the alias 'upall', for 'moodle update --all'
mdk alias add upall "update --all"
Backport a branch to another instance of Moodle.
Assuming we are in a Moodle instance, this backports the current branch to the version 2.2 and 2.3
mdk backport --version 22 23
Backports the branch MDL-12345-23 from the instance stable_23 to the instance stable_22, and pushes the new branch to your remote
mdk backport stable_23 --branch MDL-12345-23 --version 22 --push
Backup a whole instance so that it can be restored later.
Backup the instance named stable_master
mdk backup stable_master
List the backups
mdk backup --list
Restore the second backup of the instance stable_master
mdk backup --restore stable_master_02
Get the instance ready for acceptance testing (Behat), and run the test feature(s).
mdk behat -r --tags=@core_completion
Perform some checks on the environment to identify possible problems, and attempt to fix them automatically.
Create a new instance of Moodle. It will be named according to your config file.
Create a new instance of Moodle 2.1
mdk create --version 21
Create an instance of Moodle 2.2 using PostgreSQL from the integration remote, and run the installation script.
mdk create --version 22 --engine pgsql --integration --install
Set your MDK settings from the command line.
Show the list of your settings
mdk config list
Change the value of the setting 'dirs.storage' to '/var/www/repositories'
mdk config set dirs.storage /var/www/repositories
Create a branch from an issue number on the tracker (MDL-12345) and sets it to track the right branch.
In a Moodle 2.2 instance, this will create (and checkout) a branch named MDL-12345-22 which will track upstream/MOODLE_22_STABLE.
mdk fix MDL-12345
mdk fix 12345
Display information about the instances on the system.
List the instances
mdk info --list
Display the information known about the instance stable_master
mdk info stable_master
Run the command line installation script with all parameters set on an existing instance.
mdk install --engine mysqli stable_master
Get the instance ready for PHPUnit tests, and run the test(s).
mdk phpunit -u repository/tests/repository_test.php
Look for a plugin on moodle.org and downloads it into your instance.
mdk plugin download repository_evernote
Purge the cache.
To purge the cache of all the instances
mdk purge --all
Pulls a patch using the information from a tracker issue.
Assuming we type that command on a 2.3 instance, pulls the corresponding patch from the issue MDL-12345 in a testing branch
mdk pull --testing 12345
Shortcut to push a branch to your remote.
Push the current branch to your repository
mdk push
Force a push of the branch MDL-12345-22 from the instance stable_22 to your remote
mdk push --force --branch MDL-12345-22 stable_22
Fetch the latest branches from the upstream remote and rebase your local branches.
This will rebase the branches MDL-12345-xx and MDL-56789-xx on the instances stable_22, stable_23 and stable_master. And push them to your remote if successful.
mdk rebase --issues 12345 56789 --version 22 23 master --push
mdk rebase --issues MDL-12345 MDL-56789 --push stable_22 stable_23 stable_master
Remove an instance, deleting every thing including the database.
mdk remove stable_master
Execute a script on an instance. The scripts are stored in the scripts directory.
Set the instance stable_master ready for development
mdk run dev stable_master
Gets some information about the issue on the tracker.
$ mdk tracker 34543
MDL-34543: New assignment module - Feedback file exists for an
assignment but not shown in the Feedback files picker
Bug - Critical - https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-34543
Closed (Fixed) 2012-08-17 07:25
-------------------------------------------------------[ V: 7 - W: 7 ]--
Reporter : Paul Hague (paulhague) on 2012-07-26 08:30
Assignee : Eric Merrill (emerrill)
Peer reviewer : Damyon Wiese (damyon)
Integrator : Dan Poltawski (poltawski)
Tester : Tim Barker (timb)
Uninstall an instance: removes config file, drops the database, deletes dataroot content, ...
Fetch the latest stables branches from the upstream remote and pull the changes into the local stable branch.
This updates the instances stable_22 and stable_23
mdk update stable_22 stable_23
This updates all your integration instances and runs the upgrade script of Moodle.
mdk update --integration --upgrade
Run the upgrade script of your instance.
The following runs an upgrade on your stable branches
mdk upgrade --stable
This will run an update an each instance before performing the upgrade process
mdk upgrade --all --update
You can write custom scripts and execute them on your instances using the command mdk run
. MDK looks for the scripts in the scripts directories and identifies their type by reading their extension. For example, a script called 'helloworld.php' will be executed as a command line script from the root of an installation.
# From anywhere on the system
$ mdk run helloworld stable_master
# Is similar to typing the following command
$ cp /path/to/script/helloworld.php /path/to/moodle/instances/stable_master
$ cd /path/to/moodle/instances/stable_master
$ php helloworld.php
Scripts are very handy when it comes to performing more complexed tasks.
Licensed under the GNU GPL License