Easy Angular Reactive Form rendering from a JSON definition using the Bootstrap 4 design framework.
Wide range of form controls. Multiple columns. Multiple sections.
JSON object defining field types and styles.
Wide array of form components. Validation management; help and error messages. Defaults to vanilla Bootstrap 5 CSS markup.
Returns JSON from form submit ready for posting or further processing.
Bootstrap 5 CSS style sheet
Install npm package into your Angular application
$ npm install infomaxim-form-engine --save
Once installed you need to import the main module
import { InfomaximFormBuilderModule } from 'infomaxim-form-engine';
imports: [
export class AppModule {
public formConfig: any = {
title: "Sample Form", // Optional form title to display. Adds a form wrapper.
showControls: true, // Set to false if using your own buttons
controls: {
saveButton: 'Save', // Save button name
saveButtonClass: 'btn btn-primary', // Save button atle
resetButton: 'Reset', // Reset button name
resetButtonClass: 'btn btn-outline-warning' // Reset button style
cancelButton: 'Cancel', // Reset button name
cancelButtonClass: 'btn btn-outline-warning' // Reset button style
columns: [
class: 'col-12 col-lg-6 pb-4 pb-lg-0',
sections: [
class: 'mr-1',
fields: [
type: 'text', // Field type (text, email, password, number, dropdown, radio, checkbox, switch, range, date, time, datetime & file)
name: 'fullName', // Unique field name
label: 'Full Name', // Field label
value: '', // Field value
required: true, // Necessary field or not
minLength: 5, // Minimum length of field (Note: only for required field)
maxLength: 10, // Maximum length of field (Note: only for required field)
pattern: '^\\d{1,4}$', // Specify Regex Pattern for the field (Note: only for required field)
validationMessage: 'Full Name is required.', // Validation error message
multiline: false, // Multiline field or not
lines: 5, // Number of rows for field (Note: only for multiline input field)
placeholder: 'Full Name', // Placeholder to show inside field
options: [ // Options to populate the field (Note: only for radio, dropdown, checkbox & switch)
{ key: 'male', label: 'Male' },
{ key: 'female', label: 'Female' },
{ key: 'other', label: 'Other' }
min: '0', // Minimum field value (Note: only for date & range)
max: '100', // Maximum field value (Note: only for date & range)
step: 5, // Step field value (Note: only for range)
sliderLabel: '$', // Slider label for field (Note: only for range)
multiple: true, // Multiple file upload support for field (Note: only for file)
onUpload: this.onUpload.bind(this), // Function to call on file upload (Note: only for file)
style: 'row', // Layout type (row & column) (Note: only for checkbox, switch & radio)
onUpload(event: any) { // Upload function called when any file is selected
let files: any;
if (event?.target?.files) {
files = event.target.files;
} else {
files = event
receiveData(data: any) { // Received function called when user press save button
Example component inclusion:-
<infomaxim-form-engine [formConfig]="formConfig" (formData)="receiveData($event)"></infomaxim-form-engine>