These are manuals to import source variables and harmonizations in MOLGENIS.
These manuals can be included in MOLGENIS as an app.
The project sources are in the src
folder. Within the src folder the following structure is needed to build the app.
- src
- index.html
- img
- image.png
In the build config a config.json file is generated. You can alter it by updated this part of the webpack.config.js
plugins: [
new GenerateJsonPlugin('config.json', {
description: packageJson.description,
version: packageJson.version,
apiDependency: "v2",
includeMenuAndFooter: true,
runtimeOptions: {
language: "en"
You can build the manuals by executing:
yarn build
It will generate a
in the dist
directory. You can upload this file in MOLGENIS via the App-manager.