To run the downloaded file one has to put the following steps one by one:-
- npm install
- npm install -g gulp
- gulp build
- gulp start and after going through the above commands one has to run in browser http://localhost:3000
1)the gulpFile.js has the configuration of gulp.
the src folder has js folder where the main.js file is present there i have created a intercepter which has an authorisation header where a sample text is included in which i have checked whether the request authorisation has same with response authorisation or not. For that i have printed a console where i have printed request authorisation and response authorisation as well. For cross verification you have to open the network and find the request and response headers for main.js
For internationalizaton i have used date,currency and number,and for that i have included india's locale.js file.
For controller i have created HomeCtrl.js which is under src/js/contollers