Quick introduction how to calculate and plot RAR solutions.
This project is still in an alpha status. Although it produces good results the code requires some clean-up, better consistency and less dependencies between the different modules. It is therefore possible that some functions, properties and workflows will slightly change in future.
Simply clone (or download) the repository. Then set the root folder of the project as the workspace in Matlab. You should see the two subfolders (+lib, +script).
The lib
folder contains the core files of the framwork. DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING THERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO!
The script
folder contains three examples. The first example calc
describes how RAR solutions are calculated while the second example plot
shows how to visualize the results (e.g. in a radius vs. density plot). The other example find
shows how to obtain the right parameter for a given set of constraints, aka how to find a particular solution.
Call the following commands
to calculate and visualize a family of RAR density profiles.
Let's check that file in more detail. Keep in mind that a RAR solution needs 4 parameters: the particle mass m
, the temperature parameter beta0
, the degeneracy parameter theta0
and the cutoff parameter W0
. Additionally, few more parameters are requiered for the ode solver. All of them are optional and default values do a good job in most cases. However, in this example two option parameters are emphasized: the outer bound for the integration xmax
and the relative tolerance RelTol
. In some cases it is necessary to decrease the tolerance or increase the range to obtain the full solution.
In order to set the particle mass we load the constants
CONST = lib.ecma.require(@lib.physics.constants);
which allows us to describe the particle mass m
in units of keV/c². In next we define an inline-function as a helper
fModel = @(beta0, theta0, W0) struct(...
'm', 48*CONST.keVcc,...
'beta0', beta0,...
'theta0', theta0,...
'W0', W0,...
'xmax', 1E15
'RelTol', 1E-6...
which generates a structure with information necessary to calculate a RAR solution for a given particle mass. The input arguments are therefore beta0
, theta0
and W0
to keep it simple. The structure may contain also optional parameters for the ODE solver such as xmax
(default is 1E15, in system units) which tells how far in radius should be integrated. Other useful parameters are AbsTol
(default 1E-15) and RelTol
(default 1E-6) are accuracy parameters for the absolute and relative tolerance. Note, the default parameters are sufficient in general. More important is that RelTol
should not be greater than 1E-6 or the ode solver may stop at the pleatau. In this case try to decrease the value, e.g. 1E-8.
In next we have to set a family of RAR parameters. For simplicity we consider only different theta0
values, given in an array
THETA0 = lib.ecma.array([0 2 5 10 15 20]);
The lib.ecma.array
object creates a list of a given array [...]
. That object provides several useful methods which are inspired by the JavaScript Array object. Here, we need only the map method which maps a theta0
value to the RAR solution (e.g. radius, potential, mass) for given m
, beta0
and W0
. The inline-function
fMap = @(theta0) lib.model.cRAR.profile('model', fModel(1E-6,theta0,150));
does exactly the mapping theta0
-> RAR solution for one theta0
value while beta0 = 1E-6
and W0 = 150
are fixed. The next line
STORE.profiles = THETA0.map(fMap);
then does the mapping for each theta0
value in the THETA0
array and returns a new array where each entry is the corresponding RAR solution. Note that a RAR solution is given by the command lib.model.cRAR.profile
which requires a model structure as input in the key-value scheme. Here, model
is the key and fModel(1E-6,theta0,150)
is the value.
Finally, the calculated RAR solutions are saved in a file via
After calculating a family of RAR solutions we want now to plot their density profiles. This is done via
Let's take a closer look. The first few lines
STORE = load('+script/+calc/STORE.mat');
RENDER = lib.ecma.require(@script.plot.render);
FIG = lib.ecma.require(@script.plot.figure);
basically load the cached RAR solutions, a renderer package and a figure object (which is hidden initially). We show the figure with
what sets automatically the focus to the figure and its axes object. To plot a RAR solution we set an inline-function. This is done separately in the render
package, e.g.
@(p) lib.view.plot.curve2D(...
'data', p,...
'x', AXIS.radius,...
'y', AXIS.density,...
'plot', {...
'DisplayName', lib.char.sprintf('$\theta_0 = %d$', p.data.theta0) ...
Here, an axis package is used to get variables in astro units (e.g. radius in pc and density in Msun/pc³). It is possible to add or modify the renderer.
Having a solution (e.g. an object) and a corresponding render (e.g. a view) for a figure object (e.g. a medium), we plot each solution via
Here, the RAR solutions are stored in STORE.profiles
and each solution is plotted as a curve with the method lib.view.plot.curve2D
. This method requires at least three arguments (in the key-value scheme): a RAR solution p
as data
argument and two axis objects for the x
and y
arguments. An axis object does the mapping p
-> double-array. In this example the AXIS.radius
object maps to an array of radius values (in astro units) and AXIS.density
object maps to an array of density values (in astro units, too). The optional argument 'plot' specifies the Chart Line
Properties (just like for the native Matlab plot
function). Here, we indicate each curve with the theta0
value in the DisplayName
property. Thus, curve2D
is simply speaking a wrapper for the Matlab's plot
Finally, we show the legend with
and save the figure (as a pdf)
saveas(FIG, '+script/+plot/figure.pdf');
Note, that Matlab's legend function uses the information in the DisplayName property.
After getting familar how RAR solutions are obtained (calc
) and visualized (plot
), the next important workflow to know is how to constrain solutions and find the corresponding parameter - aka how to find a solution. In the following example we are interested, simply speaking, in the mapping Mc
-> p
with Mc
being the core mass (4.2E6 Msun) and p
the RAR solution. Technically speaking, we need one more step in between, e.g. Mc
-> beta0
-> p
because the RAR solution is described through the RAR model parameters (m
, beta0
, theta0
, W0
). Note that we have here in this example only one constraint, Mc
= 4.2E6 Msun, which allows us to constrain only one parameter, e.g. beta0
, for given other parameters.
For the first step there are three possible methods available, each with its pros and cons. In general, the non-linear fitting method nlinfit
is convenient for most cases. Only for special cases other methods, especially a combination of them, is necessary. We limit this example to the numerically stable regime without strong cutoff (e.g. Wp
> 1 with Wp
the cutoff value at the plateau).
A quick run to find beta0
for a given core mass Mc
= 4.2E6 Msun and (arbitrary) given RAR parameters (m
, theta0
, W0
) is done with
This will store a model
struct with the right RAR parameter corresponding to the constraint core mass Mc
. Additionally, a profile container p
contains the RAR solution which can be used for further post-processing.
Now let's take a closer look of the file script.find.nlinfit
First, we need to load the necessary packages, such as physical constants, RAR axes and RAR anchors.
CONST = lib.ecma.require(@lib.physics.constants);
AXES = lib.ecma.require(@lib.model.cRAR.axes.astro);
ANCH = lib.ecma.require(@lib.model.cRAR.anchor);
and AXES
should be clear from the example above. The new introduced package is the anchor package which allows to calculate, for instance, the density in a given unit system at an anchor what is a predefined particular point. In detail, we need the core anchor because the core mass is defined at the first maximum in the rotation curve {r,v(r)}. Such definitions of particular scale invariant points are called 'anchors' here.
Without going to deep into the idea of the anchor packages, the only required information are a seed model struct and the definition of a the core mass constraint. The seed we simply store in a variable modelSeed
modelSeed = struct(...
'm', 48*CONST.keVcc,...
'beta0', 1E-5,...
'theta0', 38,...
'W0', 70,...
'RelTol', 1E-9
In this example the chosen values are very close to the required solution. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the seed parameter manually if the finding method fails.
After setting the initial seed parameters we need to define the core mass constraint. Technically speaking it is called here a response
fMcore = @(obj) AXES.mass.map('data', obj, 'anhor', ANCH.velocity_core);
response = lib.profile.response('map', fMcore, 'prediction', 4.2E6);
The function lib.profile.response
requires two parameter in the key-value scheme. map
excpects an inline function which does the mapping obj -> double with obj being a RAR solution. In other words it responds to a given solution. The second property is the constraint value, also called prediction
, we are looking for.
Here we calculate the core mass with
AXES.mass.map('data', obj, 'anchor', ANCH.velocity_core)
where the mass is given in the unit as given in AXES.mass
. Meaning in solar masses, a typical astrophysical unit.
Finally, we need to put this constraint into a constraints/response list.
constraintsList = lib.profile.responseList([
lib.profile.response(fMcore, 4.2E6);
% ... further constraints if necessary
(It is possible to add further constraints/responses. This case will be described in future)
Now, we are ready to run the non-linear fitting method in order to find beta0
[p,model] = lib.model.cRAR.find.nlinfit(...
'model', modelSeed,...
'list', constraintsList,...
'parameter', struct(...
'm', 'print',...
'beta0', 'log',... % <-- in log scale it is faster and more stable
'theta0', 'print',...
'W0', 'print' ...
This method requires three parameter in the key-value scheme. model
contains the initial seed parameter and list
is the list of constraints/responses. The third argument parameter
describes which values will be varied and how (e.g. on a linear or logarithmic scale, o rnot at all). There are three keywords available:
- print: don't vary, just print the value
- linear: vary on linear scale and print value in bold
- log: vary on logarithmic scale and print value in bold
The output is the RAR solution p
and a model struct model
. Both fulfill the given core mass constraint.
Here it is possible to look for theta0
instead of beta0
simply by changing the parameter
argument. It is important to know that W0
affects mainly the halo while beta0
and theta0
--- actually their product --- affects mainly the core. Therefore, with this information it should be clear that searching for W0
for a constraint core will much likely fail.