Automated Pipeline Program Synthesis and Execution
A short description of the motivation behind the creation and maintenance of the project. This should explain why the project exists.
Build status of continus integration i.e. travis, appveyor etc. Ex. -
If you're using any code style like xo, standard etc. That will help others while contributing to your project. Ex. -
Include logo/demo screenshot etc.
Ex. -
Built with
What makes your project stand out?
Show what the library does as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Make sure the API you are showing off is obvious, and that your code is short and concise.
Provide step by step series of examples and explanations about how to get a development env running.
Depending on the size of the project, if it is small and simple enough the reference docs can be added to the README. For medium size to larger projects it is important to at least provide a link to where the API reference docs live.
Describe and show how to run the tests with code examples.
In order to specify the constraints, one of the following approaches should be followed:
- Use terminal to specify the constraints one at the time
- Import a file with all the constraints
Each of the constrains has to be of the following format:
constraintID par1 par2 par3 ... parN
where the number of parameters depends on the constraint specified. Constrains that can be used are specified in the following section.
ID: 1___desc: If we use module parameters[0], then use parameters[1] consequently.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 2___desc: If we use module parameters[0], then do not use parameters[1] consequently.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 3___desc: If we use module parameters[0], then we must have used parameters[1] prior to it.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 4___desc: If we use module parameters[0], then use parameters[1] as a next module in the sequence.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 5___desc: Use module parameters[0] in the solution.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 6___desc: Do not use module parameters[0] in the solution.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 7___desc: Use parameters[0] as last module in the solution.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 8___desc: Use type parameters[0] in the solution.___no. of parameters: 2
ID: 9___desc: Do not use type parameters[0] in the solution.___no. of parameters: 2
Let people know how they can contribute into your project. A contributing guideline will be a big plus.
Give proper credits. This could be a link to any repo which inspired you to build this project, any blogposts or links to people who contrbuted in this project.
A short snippet describing the license (MIT, Apache etc)
MIT © Yourname
OWL API - LGPL or Apache 2.0
OpenCSV - Apache 2.0
apache-common-lang - Apache 2.0