Install the required packages.
sudo apt install git postgresql postgresql-contrib redis-server
Install golang-1.10
Don't forget to make your GOPATH export persistent.
Install the necessary go libraries
go get \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Clone the Shellnet repo in your ${GOPATH}/src.
Setup user database
~$ cat user_db.sql | psql -U <username> -h <host>
Setup transactions database
~$ cat transaction_db.sql | psql -U <username> -h <host>
Run this once to generate a wallet container.
~$ ./turtle-service --container-file <container name> -p <password> -g
Point turtle-service at an existing daemon like this
~$ ./turtle-service --rpc-password <rpc password> --container-file <container name> -p <container password> -d --daemon-address <daemon DNS or IP address> --daemon-port <daemon port>
Edit these files:
- services/main/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
HOST_URI='' \ # Web wallet address
HOST_PORT=':8080' \ # Internal server port
USER_URI='http://localhost:8081' \ # Internal requests to user api
WALLET_URI='http://localhost:8082' \ # Internal requests to wallet api
go run main.go utils.go
- services/wallet/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DB_USER=<postgres username> \ # Postgres DB username, NOT system account username
DB_PWD=<postgres password> \ # Postgres DB password, NOT system account password
HOST_URI='http://localhost' \ # Internal wallet api
HOST_PORT=':8082' \ # Internal wallet api port
RPC_PWD=<turtle-service RPC password> \ # Your turtle-service RPC password
RPC_PORT=':8070' \ # Your turtle-service RPC port
go run wallet.go utils.go
- services/user/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
DB_USER=<postgres username> \ # Postgres DB username, NOT system account username
DB_PWD=<postgres password> \ # Postgres DB password, NOT system account password
HOST_URI='http://localhost' \ # Internal user api
HOST_PORT=':8081' \ # Internal user api port
WALLET_URI='http://localhost:8082' \ # Internal wallet api
go run users.go utils.go
~$ cd services/main ; ./ & disown
~$ cd services/wallet ; ./ & disown
~$ cd services/user ; ./ & disown
- Finish walletd integration
- Make Front-end pretty
- add documentation
- automate tasks
- add tests
- Redis
- Postgresql
- Go
- TurtleCoin wallet daemon