All Chaos-Engineering experiments are based on the The Infrastructure setup is done via Terraform
The chaos experiments are running against an AWS hosted CRM-Service. The system provides a RESTful API interface to fetch all available customers and related projects. Moreover available Sales-Leads are fetched from another external API and processed before returned to the API caller.
- Does the service tolerate a database restart?
- Does the service tolerate a EC2 instance restart?
- Does the service tolerate network hiccups on external API?
- Does the service tolerate problems while S3 file is removed?
- Does the service tolerate a timeout while fetching data from AWS Lambda function?
foo@bar:~$ cd ./infrastructure
foo@bar:~$ sh
The script will prompt for DB-user + password and API-user + password. Password will be hidden. After executing the Terraform deployment, all relevant configuration variables for the experiments will be printed to console.
Before executing the experiments make sure to adjust ./chaos-monkey/
That file contains the configuration for all experiments and needs to be configured per environment.
Once done the script will ask during executing to provide the password of the API-user.
foo@bar:~$ cd ./chaos-monkey
foo@bar:~$ sh
The script will execute all experiments mentioned above and create a report pdf at ./chaos-monkey/report.pdf
foo@bar:~$ cd ./infrastructure
foo@bar:~$ sh