Object detection using YOLO Algorithm
- Make sure all the needed softwares - Python 3, openCV , numpy etc are installed.
- Clone the repository.
Folder content :
a. yolo-coco -- Yolo COCO pretrained model
b. yolo.py -- For detection in images
c. yolo_video.py -- For detection in videos
d. yolo_live.py -- For live detection using webcam - Download pretrained YOLO model trained with COCO dataset from here.
python yolo.py -i imageName.jpeg -y yolo-coco
python yolo_video.py -i videoName.mp4 -y yolo-coco
python yolo_video.py -y yolo-coco
Denotes the source image/video path
To provide the path to Yolo COCO model
Minimum value to discard weak detection
Default value : 0.5
Threshold value for non max suppression
Default value : 0.3