This application requires the following application to run
- docker
- rvm or preinstalled ruby 2.3.4
- postgres
Run first docker-compose up -d
this will start a postgres instance with the password provider
Then set up the project with ruby 2.3.4.
bundle exec rake db:create
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
Once this is set up initially you can run the app with
bundle exec rails s
This will start a server on localhost:3000.
This application functions as an oauth provider with an api The API consists of the user info and some posts. The Api can be found under /api/v1/.
Additionally difference applications can be configured to access the app.
This can be done by accessing http://localhost:3000/oauth/applications
Start creating blog posts on http://localhost:3000/posts
and allow them to be accessed from an different app.
If having done the initial steps run:
bundle exec rspec