All URIs are relative to, except if the operation defines another base path.
Method | HTTP request | Description |
labelRecovery() | POST /labels/{version}/recovery | Label Recovery |
shipment() | POST /shipments/{version}/ship | Shipment |
voidShipment() | DELETE /shipments/{version}/void/cancel/{shipmentidentificationnumber} | Void Shipment |
labelRecovery($version, $labelrecovery_request_wrapper, $trans_id, $transaction_src): \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\LABELRECOVERYResponseWrapper
Label Recovery
The Label Shipping API allows us to retrieve forward and return labels.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Api\DefaultApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$version = 'v1'; // string | When UPS introduces new elements in the response that are not associated with new request elements, Subversion is used. This ensures backward compatibility. v1 original features of the application. No support for CODTurn-inPage, HighValueReport or InternationalForms features returned in the response v1701 includes support for CODTurn-inPage features returned in the response. V1903 Length 5
$labelrecovery_request_wrapper = {"LabelRecoveryRequest":{"LabelDelivery":{"LabelLinkIndicator":"","ResendEmailIndicator":""},"LabelSpecification":{"HTTPUserAgent":"Mozilla/4.5","LabelImageFormat":{"Code":"ZPL"},"LabelStockSize":{"Height":"6","Width":"4"}},"Request":{"RequestOption":"Non_Validate","SubVersion":"1903","TransactionReference":{"CustomerContext":""}},"TrackingNumber":"1Z12345E8791315509","Translate":{"Code":"01","DialectCode":"US","LanguageCode":"eng"}}}; // \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\LABELRECOVERYRequestWrapper | Generate sample code for popular API requests by selecting an example below. To view a full sample request and response, first click \"Authorize\" and enter your application credentials, then populate the required parameters above and click \"Try it out\".
$trans_id = 'trans_id_example'; // string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32
$transaction_src = 'testing'; // string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512
try {
$result = $apiInstance->labelRecovery($version, $labelrecovery_request_wrapper, $trans_id, $transaction_src);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->labelRecovery: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
version | string | When UPS introduces new elements in the response that are not associated with new request elements, Subversion is used. This ensures backward compatibility. v1 original features of the application. No support for CODTurn-inPage, HighValueReport or InternationalForms features returned in the response v1701 includes support for CODTurn-inPage features returned in the response. V1903 Length 5 | [default to 'v1'] |
labelrecovery_request_wrapper | \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\LABELRECOVERYRequestWrapper | Generate sample code for popular API requests by selecting an example below. To view a full sample request and response, first click "Authorize" and enter your application credentials, then populate the required parameters above and click "Try it out". | |
trans_id | string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32 | [optional] |
transaction_src | string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512 | [optional] [default to 'testing'] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
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shipment($version, $ship_request_wrapper, $trans_id, $transaction_src, $additionaladdressvalidation): \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\SHIPResponseWrapper
The Shipping API makes UPS shipping services available to client applications that communicate with UPS using the Internet
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Api\DefaultApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$version = 'v1'; // string | Indicates Ship API to display the new release features in Rate API response based on Ship release. See the New section for the latest Ship release. Supported values: v1, v1601, v1607, v1701, v1707, v1801, v1807, v2108, v2205 . Length 5
$ship_request_wrapper = {"ShipmentRequest":{"Request":{"SubVersion":"1801","RequestOption":"nonvalidate","TransactionReference":{"CustomerContext":""}},"Shipment":{"Description":"Ship WS test","Shipper":{"Name":"ShipperName","AttentionName":"ShipperZs Attn Name","TaxIdentificationNumber":"123456","Phone":{"Number":"1115554758","Extension":" "},"ShipperNumber":" ","FaxNumber":"8002222222","Address":{"AddressLine":["2311 York Rd"],"City":"Timonium","StateProvinceCode":"MD","PostalCode":"21093","CountryCode":"US"}},"ShipTo":{"Name":"Happy Dog Pet Supply","AttentionName":"1160b_74","Phone":{"Number":"9225377171"},"Address":{"AddressLine":["123 Main St"],"City":"timonium","StateProvinceCode":"MD","PostalCode":"21030","CountryCode":"US"},"Residential":" "},"ShipFrom":{"Name":"T and T Designs","AttentionName":"1160b_74","Phone":{"Number":"1234567890"},"FaxNumber":"1234567890","Address":{"AddressLine":["2311 York Rd"],"City":"Alpharetta","StateProvinceCode":"GA","PostalCode":"30005","CountryCode":"US"}},"PaymentInformation":{"ShipmentCharge":{"Type":"01","BillShipper":{"AccountNumber":" "}}},"Service":{"Code":"03","Description":"Express"},"Package":{"Description":" ","Packaging":{"Code":"02","Description":"Nails"},"Dimensions":{"UnitOfMeasurement":{"Code":"IN","Description":"Inches"},"Length":"10","Width":"30","Height":"45"},"PackageWeight":{"UnitOfMeasurement":{"Code":"LBS","Description":"Pounds"},"Weight":"5"}}},"LabelSpecification":{"LabelImageFormat":{"Code":"GIF","Description":"GIF"},"HTTPUserAgent":"Mozilla/4.5"}}}; // \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\SHIPRequestWrapper | Generate sample code for popular API requests by selecting an example below. To view a full sample request and response, first click \"Authorize\" and enter your application credentials, then populate the required parameters above and click \"Try it out\".
$trans_id = 'trans_id_example'; // string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32
$transaction_src = 'testing'; // string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512
$additionaladdressvalidation = 'additionaladdressvalidation_example'; // string | Valid Values: city = validation will include city.Length 15
try {
$result = $apiInstance->shipment($version, $ship_request_wrapper, $trans_id, $transaction_src, $additionaladdressvalidation);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->shipment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
version | string | Indicates Ship API to display the new release features in Rate API response based on Ship release. See the New section for the latest Ship release. Supported values: v1, v1601, v1607, v1701, v1707, v1801, v1807, v2108, v2205 . Length 5 | [default to 'v1'] |
ship_request_wrapper | \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\SHIPRequestWrapper | Generate sample code for popular API requests by selecting an example below. To view a full sample request and response, first click "Authorize" and enter your application credentials, then populate the required parameters above and click "Try it out". | |
trans_id | string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32 | [optional] |
transaction_src | string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512 | [optional] [default to 'testing'] |
additionaladdressvalidation | string | Valid Values: city = validation will include city.Length 15 | [optional] |
- Content-Type:
- Accept:
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voidShipment($version, $shipmentidentificationnumber, $trans_id, $transaction_src, $trackingnumber): \AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Model\VOIDSHIPMENTResponseWrapper
Void Shipment
The Void Shipping API is used to cancel the previously scheduled shipment
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new AntibodiesOnline\UpsApi\Shipping\Api\DefaultApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$version = 'v1'; // string | API Version
$shipmentidentificationnumber = 'shipmentidentificationnumber_example'; // string | The shipment's identification number Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18
$trans_id = 'trans_id_example'; // string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32
$transaction_src = 'testing'; // string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512
$trackingnumber = 'trackingnumber_example'; // string | The package's tracking number. You may have up to 20 different tracking numbers listed. If more than one tracking number, pass this value as: trackingnumber= [\"1ZISUS010330563105\",\"1ZISUS01033056310 8\"] with a coma separating each number. Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18
try {
$result = $apiInstance->voidShipment($version, $shipmentidentificationnumber, $trans_id, $transaction_src, $trackingnumber);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->voidShipment: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
version | string | API Version | [default to 'v1'] |
shipmentidentificationnumber | string | The shipment's identification number Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18 | |
trans_id | string | An identifier unique to the request. Length 32 | [optional] |
transaction_src | string | An identifier of the client/source application that is making the request.Length 512 | [optional] [default to 'testing'] |
trackingnumber | string | The package's tracking number. You may have up to 20 different tracking numbers listed. If more than one tracking number, pass this value as: trackingnumber= ["1ZISUS010330563105","1ZISUS01033056310 8"] with a coma separating each number. Alpha-numeric. Must pass 1Z rules. Must be upper case. Length 18 | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept:
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