This is for conveniently setting up my usual development environment on a new machine, whether Ubuntu or Mac OSX. To use the automated installation script, simply run or for Ubuntu and Mac OSX respectively.
There are some common packages installed for both operating systems:
- Python + PIP
- NodeJS
- CouchDB
- Git
- Tmux
- Mysql
- Imagemagick
- Graphviz
- Ctags
VIM plugins, Python packages and NodeJS packages are common across both operating systems.
- pathogen
- bufexplorer
- indentLine
- snipmate
- delimitmate
- supertab
- syntastic
- easymotion
- vim-surround
- vim-virtualenv
- NERDTree
- NERDCommenter
- Fugitive
- vim-airline
- ctrlp
- matchit
- tagbar
- tabularize
- python-mode
- jedi-vim
- Django
- Tornado
- Virtualenv
- Mysql-python
- numpy
- scipy
- ipython
- jedi
- pyflakes
- pep8
- express
- cssmin
- jshint
- jslint
- uglify-js
- bower
- grunt-cli
For Ubuntu, the installation script is going to install and configure some extra packages:
- awesome Window Manager
- mutt
- moc
- weechat
- bitlbee
- urlscan