Releases: antiface/Documentation
Official Release v.2.0.1
This is the latest Official Release of the "Documentation" GitHub Repository, where I document all of my "Experiments" and "Methods". I've mostly been adding a lot of content to the "GeneralWorkflow" folder inside the "METHODS" folder, inside the "Documentation" Repository. I have added so much content, I feel I need to launch a new Official Release. I am including some recent art for further proof that I am the sole author of all of these things, making my work "citeable", for future reference purposes.
Official Release. Working. Documentation of Projects, Methods. Production Ready. Being used solely in 2017.
UPDATED "Documentation of Current Methods and Ongoing Experiments"
UPDATED "Documentation of Current Methods and Ongoing Experiments". Still alpha pre-release, not production-ready.
Documentation of Current Methods and Ongoing Experiments
This repository, called "Documentation", was created so that I could document the various methodologies that I currently use in both my art and research practices. It also serves as an important touchpoint for documenting the many projects that I am currently working on or else have worked on in the past ("ongoing"). This is technically an "unofficial" release, and so I have called it v0.1-alpha (alpha, a.k.a. "pre-release version"). Also technically, it should be Major Version Zero, v0.1.0 for initial development (if I were using semantic versioning, which I am not really).