Run the following
wget -O travisdata.csv.gz
7z x .\data.csv.gz
fill out the keysconfig with username (from github) and oauth token
call python
- pandas
- numpy
- ipdb
- requests
To protect keys, they are not commited in keysconfig.txt. You should get you own keys from the relevant services: Github : from, generate a new token and use that in keysconfig. Bluemix : from your account, find service credentials, and use the username and password provided.
1/ Run fetchComments (gets the repo, issue and commit comments from github) 2/ Run parseComments (format the comments from the previous step in a single file) 3/ Run filterMergedData (filter the data some more and gets the Bluemix analysis for each issue comment) 4/ Run parseBlueMixData (transforms the raw JSON files from Bluemix into a dataframe for python)