IgniteDemo - JavaFX & SpringBoot with two views.
SpringBootRest - Rest Server using JPA, Hibernate, H2 in-memory database Provides CRUD REST endpoints for MusicCategory table Synchronous traditional REST server, uses embedded Tomcat. See for custom configuration.
SpringBootRestMySql - Rest Server using JPA, Hibernate, MySQL database. You must install MySQL (Community Edition is fine) See the file for custom configuration, including root password
Optionally install MySQLWorkbench to initialize database
with schema and data
SpringBootWebClientFX - JavaFX & SpringBoot client that provides CRUD operations. Uses WebFlux WebClient in blocking mode. You must run the SpringBootRest (or SpringBootRestMySql) server first.
SpringBootWebClientFXMultiThread - JavaFX & SpringBoot client that provides CRUD operations. Uses WebFlux WebClient in blocking mode Uses JavaFX Concurency library to make REST calls in a background thread Includes a delay so you can see the ProgressIndicator. You must run the SpringBootRest (or SpringBootRestMySql) server first.
WeatherService - SpringBoot Reactive WebService Emits random Weather forecasts on interval as server sent events Uses SpringBoot WebFlux library
WeatherJFXClient - JavaFX & SpringBoot client that subscribes to the Reactive Weather Service and displays weather forecasts as they arrive. You must run WeatherService first.