Hours: 20+
- User can view a list of movies from Rotten Tomatoes. (1-2h)
- User can view movie details by tapping on a cell (10 hours) ** had a lot of trouble with ScrollView and laying out text ** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11920321/label-alignment-in-ios-6-uitextalignment-deprecated
- User sees loading state while waiting for movies API. (2-3h) ** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26051638/mbprogressbarhud-not-appearing-with-swift-and-ios8
- User sees error message when there's a networking error. (30 min, attempted was not able to test)
- User can pull to refresh the movie list. (1 h)
- Customize the navigation bar. (optional, 30 min) ** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26008536/ios-8-navigationbar-bar-tint-and-title-text-color-swift
- Customize the highlight and selection effect of the cell. (optional, 20 min) ** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16265662/how-to-change-color-of-uitableviewcell-when-selecting/ ** http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1998775/uitableview-cell-selected-color