Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/anurag-sachan/Flask-Vue-Redis-Celery-FullstackStore.git
Spin the docker container for redis-instance and update the backend configurations here.
If you are unsure about the redis setup, you can always use docker. It's extremely simple.
Go to base folder. Run the command below :This will create a redis container named
docker run --rm --name my-redis-container -p 6379:6379 -d redis
To check if the instance is running properly redis-cli ping redis-cli -d 0 keys *
Setup the Celery workers ( for tasks ) & beat ( for schedule jobs )
celery -A app.celery_app worker --loglevel=info
celery -A app.celery_app beat --loglevel=info
Run the Backend:
If database.db is not present
python3 DB.py
python3 app.py
If database.db is already present
python3 app.py
Run the frontend:
cd frontend/
# to install required node_module files npm install
npm run dev
- Please refer to the working demo-images from here.
User | Admin |