Releases: apache/flink-cdc
Release 3.3.0
Release Announcement
Release Notes
We would like to express gratitude to all the contributors working on this release:
ConradJam, Hang Ruan, Hongshun Wang, Jason Zhang, Junbo wang, Jzjsnow, Kunni, Leonard Xu, MOBIN, North Lin, Olivier, Petrichor, Robin Moffatt, Runkang He, Sergei Morozov, Seung-Min Lee, Shawn Huang, Thorne, Timi, Umesh Dangat, Wink, Xin Gong, hiliuxg, liuxiaodong, moses, ouyangwulin, stayrascal, wenmo, wudi, yuanoOo, yuxiqian, MOBIN-F, helloliuxg, jzjsnow, molin.lxd, wuzhiping, zhangchaoming.zcm
We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink CDC 3.3.0.
Apache Flink CDC 3.3.0 tar
Apache Flink CDC 3.3.0 (asc, sha512)
Apache Flink CDC 3.3.0 Source Release (asc, sha512)
Pipeline Connectors Jars
- MySQL Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Doris Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Kafka Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Paimon Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Elasticsearch Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MaxCompute Pipeline Connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Source Connector Jars
- Db2 source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.3.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
For more details, check the updated documentation and the release notes. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA.
Release 3.2.1
Release Announcement
Release Notes
We would like to express gratitude to all the contributors working on this release:
yuxiqian, Xin Gong, Hang Ruan, wudi, qg-lin, Timi988, lvyanquan, ConradJam, Runkang He, Junbo wang, MOBIN, Leonard Xu, Sergei Morozov, liuzeshan
We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink CDC 3.2.1.
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.1 tar
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.1 (asc, sha512)
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.1 Source Release (asc, sha512)
Pipeline Connectors Jars
- MySQL Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Doris Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Kafka Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Paimon Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Elasticsearch Pipeline Connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
Source Connector Jars
- Db2 source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.2.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
For more details, check the updated documentation and the release notes. We encourage you to download the release and share your feedback with the community through the Flink mailing lists or JIRA.
Release 3.2.0
Release Announcement
Release Notes
We would like to express gratitude to all the contributors working on this release:
ChengJie1053, ConradJam, FangXiangmin, GOODBOY008, Hang Ruan, He Wang, Hongshun Wang, Jiabao Sun, Joao Boto, Junbo wang, Kunni, Laffery, Leonard Xu, MOBIN, Muhammet Orazov, North Lin, PONYLEE, Paul Lin, Qingsheng Ren, SeungMin, Shawn Huang, Thorne, Wink, Xie Yi, Xin Gong, Zhongmin Qiao, Zmm, gong, gongzhongqiang, hk__lrzy, joyCurry30, lipl, lvyanquan, ouyangwulin, skylines, wuzexian, yanghuaiGit, yux, yuxiqian, ιΌζ
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.0 tar
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.0 (asc, sha512)
Apache Flink CDC 3.2.0 Source Release (asc, sha512)
Pipeline Connectors Jars
- MySQL Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Doris Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Kafka Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Paimon Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Elasticsearch Pipeline Connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Source Connector Jars
- Db2 source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.2.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Release 3.1.1
Release Announcement
Release Notes
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.1 tar
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.1 (asc, sha512)
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.1 Source Release (asc, sha512)
Pipeline Connectors Jars
- MySQL Pipeline Connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Doris Pipeline Connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks Pipeline Connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Kafka Pipeline Connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Paimon Pipeline Connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
Source Connector Jars
- Db2 source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.1.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
Release 3.1.0
Release Announcement
Release Notes
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.0 tar
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.0 (asc, sha512)
Apache Flink CDC 3.1.0 Source Release (asc, sha512)
Pipeline Connectors Jars
- MySQL Pipeline Connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Doris Pipeline Connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks Pipeline Connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Kafka Pipeline Connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Paimon Pipeline Connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Source Connector Jars
- Db2 source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.1.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Release 3.0.1
Release Notes
Flink CDC
Flink CDC 3.0.1 (tar, asc, sha512)
The binary release can be verified by public key with fingerprint F8822354BF424A5CFF9AFD57BAF388953EF5327A
Flink CDC Pipeline Connectors
All connectors are release in JAR and available in Maven central repository.
- Apache Doris pipeline connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL pipeline connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- StarRocks pipeline connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Values pipeline connector 3.0.1 (for testing purpose, jar, asc, sha1)
Flink CDC Source Connectors
All connectors are release in JAR and available in Maven central repository.
- Db2 source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.0.1 (jar, asc, sha1)
Improvements and Bug fixes
1.[cdc-base][hotfix] Fix SourceSplitSerializer to get totalFinishedSplitSize from recovery in 4th version
2.[hotfix][cdc-common] Fix NoSuchMethodError of CollectionUtil.newHashMapWithExpectedSize
3.[cdc][e2e] Unify logic to clean docker image when connector e2e test finished (#2978)
4.[pipeline-connector][mysql] fix timestamp with timezone format (#2952)
5.[doc] fix invalid page in website and update yaml in tutorial.
6.[cdc-connector][oracledb] Fix oracle read exceed high_watermark in backfill phase
7.[pipeline-connector][starrocks] Optimize char type mapping for starrocks pipeline connector (#2895)
8.[pipeline-connector][doris][starrocks] Remove SimpleDateFormat for thread safe (#2954)
9.[build] Add github labeler for pipeline connector. (#2851)
10.[docs][cdc-connector][oceanbase] update docker image and os compatibility in quickstart (#2897)
11.[docs] Add Supported Connectors and Supported Flink Versions to Overview. (#2920)
12.[cdc-common][pipeline-doris] Fix typo and wrong value for 'precision' of time type. (#2886)
13.[cdc-connector][mongodb] Avoid mongodb source to read data after high_watermark in backfill phase (#2893)
14.[cdc-connector][oceanbase] Fallback to current timestamp when query gts failure (#2868)
15.[cdc-connector][sqlserver][tests] Fix UT errors by correcting right output (#2864)
16.[cdc] Add Deprecated annotation to source function which connector implemented incremental
17.[hotfix] Remove mysqlToDoris.yml
18.[hotfix] Fix BinaryRecordData deserialize
19.[postgres] Add commits of PostgresConnection back to distinguish with debezium's origin class (#2839)
20.[hotfix][cdc-rumtime][minor] Clean up useless code in BinaryRecordDataSerializer (#2845)
21.[cdc-connector][sqlserver] Fix SqlServerTableSource params order error (#2847)
22.[docs] Fix overview docs to remove prefix of pipeline options (#2833)
23.[3.0][docs] fix mysql pipeline connector option in readme (#2834)
Contributor List (sorted alphabetically)
- He Wang
- Hongshun Wang
- joyCurry30
- Kunni
- Shawn Huang
- TorinJie
- Xin Gong
- gongzhongqiang
- xuzifu666
- εΌ η°
Release 3.0.0
Release Notes
Flink CDC
Flink CDC 3.0.0 (tar, asc, sha512)
The binary release can be verified by public key with fingerprint C460A307EAF2701FC9D774EF96719B746D3D0C8A
Flink CDC Pipeline Connectors
All connectors are release in JAR and available in Maven central repository.
- Apache Doris pipeline connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL pipeline connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Starrocks pipeline connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Values pipeline connector 3.0.0 (for testing purpose, jar, asc, sha1)
Flink CDC Source Connectors
All connectors are release in JAR and available in Maven central repository.
- Db2 source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MongoDB source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- MySQL source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- OceanBase source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Oracle source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Postgres source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Microsoft SQL Server source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- TiDB source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
- Vitess source connector 3.0.0 (jar, asc, sha1)
Features and Improvements
- [pipeline-connector][starrocks] Fix char/varchar length inconsistency between cdc and starrocks (#2830)
- [cdc-cli][cdc-composer] Use "source-table" and "sink-table" as keywords of route (#2825)
- [build][hotfix] Remove duplicate dependency (#2826)
- [cdc-cli][cdc-dist] Support loading global config from FLINK_CDC_HOME (#2822)
- [cdc-common][hotfix] Remove redundant prefix of pipeline options (#2821)
- [cdc-source-connector][oceanbase][e2e] Add OceanBase e2e test case (#2521)
- [build] Use flink-shaded-force-shading to force all submodules to generate dependency-reduced-pom.xml
- [build] Use ${project.version} instead of ${revision} for dependency version
- [build] Skip maven-deploy-plugin for test modules and flink-cdc-dist
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Fix precision problem of BIT type conversion (#2820)
- [cdc-source-connector][mysql] fix deserialization issue on table metadata binlog event (#2682)
- [pipeline-connector][mysql] Remove unnecessary serverTimeZone in DebeziumEventDeserializationSchema (#2816)
- [build][hotfix] Remove useless suppressions. (#2817)
- [cdc-source-connector][mysql] Fix attempted load of isSuspended in MySqlSplitSerializer::deserializeSplit when cdc version <= 2.2.0 (#2550)
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Ensure the inference of MEDIUMINT_UNSIGNED type matches INT type in table schema (#2811)
- [cdc-connector][oceanbase] Add option for obcdc extra configs (#2543)
- [pipeline-connector][mysql] Enable send schema change by default (#2815)
- [3.0][cdc-runtime] Remove waitForFlushSuccess field in request handler (#2812)
- [pipeline-connector][starrocks] Add starrocks pipeline connector (#2765)
- [pipeline-connector][doris] add doris pipeline connector. (#2810)
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Ensure the precision inference of DECIMAL type matches table schema
- [3.0][cdc-common & runtime] Remove useless flink imports
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Add tests for mysql pipeline connector
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Support more mysql types
- [cdc-pipeleine-connecotr][mysql] Send CreateTableEvent in the mysql pipeline connector
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Parse the alter statement to generate SchemaChangeEvent
- [cdc-pipeline-connector][mysql] Introduce mysql cdc pipeline DataSource
- [cdc-cli][cdc-composer][cdc-dist] Support submitting job to general Flink environments (#2807)
- [cdc-runtime][hotfix] Setup waitFlushSuccess before responding operator to flush. (#2805)
- [cdc-common] Introduce "pipeline.local-time-zone" config option which help handle time zone well (#2797)
- [cdc-common][hotfix] Remove useless flink imports (#2803)
- [build] Let surefire plugin to keep the full stacktrace on test failure (#2804)
- [pipeline-common] Use column name to check whether the schema contains specific column or not. (#2801)
- [cdc-composer][route][sink] Add name for route and improve name for sink
- [cdc-composer][hotfix] Always chain operator by default
- [cdc-composer][sink] Use correct name for sink operator
- [cdc-runtime] SchemaRegistry should complete the future after making the checkpoint (#2800)
- [cdc-connector][sqlserver][test...
Release 2.4.2
Release Notes
Improvements and Bug fixes
- [sqlserver] Fix get latest lsn (#2551)
- [sqlserver] Add support bigint type as table split column (#2416)
- [hotfix] Fix vitess docker image tag
- [e2e] Remove db docker image after test cases are executed. (#2508)
- [postgres] Not drop replication slot for stream split (#2436)
- [postgres] Close jdbc connection after creating replication slot for stream split (#2425)
- [cdc-base] Fix TM hangs caused by uncaught exception (#2511)
- [postgres] Close idle readers when snapshot finished (#2400)
- [hotfix][mysql] Keep assigned splits in order to fix wrong meta group calculation
- [mysql] Add finished unack splits to state for the MysqlSourceReader (#2399)
- [cdc-base] Fix parsing error when serializing and deserializing the table name with dot (#2443)
- [oracle] Correct the naming error (#2405)
- [sqlserver] Add table filter to speed up SqlServerSchema read (#2369)
- [hotfix][sqlserver] Fix backfill stream task hang (#2374)
- [hotfix][mysql] Trim default value for BIGINT and SMALLINT types when parsing MySQL DDL (#2418)
- [Doc] Use redo log instead of binlog in Oracle document (#2408)
- [mysql] Filter databases that do not need to be read when discovering tables (#2160)
- [test] Fix TiDBE2eITCase by updating the container version to avoid
tikv disk full
failure (#2402) - [test][postgres] Close postgres containers after tests and fix container reuse bug (#2394)
- [mysql] quota the field names when executing mysql query (#2381) (#2388)
- [test][mysql] Provide the server-time-zone setting in MySqlSourceExampleTest#testConsumingAllEvents (#2364)
- [hotfix][mysql] Catch underlying throwable in snapshot reading.
- [hotfix][mysql] Fix failed test LegacyMySqlSourceTest#testSnapshotOnFailedSource (#2384)
- [db2] [tests] Fix unstable Db2ConnectorITCase due to cleanup failure
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix SourceRecord range check (#2343)
- [polish] Add type parameter for MySqlRecords(#2300)
- [doc] fix errors in PostgresParallelSourceExample (#2324)
- [docs][oracle] Add an example of Incremental Snapshot based DataStream for Oracle CDC Connector
- [mongodb] [tests] Loosen E2E timeout limitations
- [build] Add vcs.xml for IDEA (#2064)
- [hotfix] update dbz option name 'xx. whitelist' to 'xx.include.list'(xx = database, schema or table) (#2212)
Contributor List (sorted alphabetically)
- FocusComputing
- Hang Ruan
- Hongshun Wang
- Jiabao Sun
- Kunni
- Leonard Xu
- Malcolmjian
- North.Lin
- Paddy Gu
- Tyrantlucifer
- e-mhui
- gongzhongqiang
- wuzhenhua
- yuxiqian
- zhaomin
Release Notes
Features and Improvements
- [hotfix] Fix sqlserver monitor same table in other database (#2335)
- [debezium] Fix DebeizumSourceFunction can not do savepoint after close (#2259)
- [mysql] skip closing reader when the reader received the binlog split (#2261)
- [MySQL] Optimize how to construct config table.include.list (#2274)
- [oracle] Fix class conflict when using multi cdc sql connector
- [MySQL] Fix the startup mode exception message (#2264)
- [hotfix][mysql] remove unused code (#2231)
- [mysql] Fix assigning duplicate snapshot splits when enable scan newly added tables (#2326)
- [docs] Add connector features table to help users quickly understand the supported features of each connector
- [mysql] Remove the finished snapshot splits for the binlog split when restoring from the checkpoint (#2292) (#2318)
- [hotfix][sqlserver] Fix sqlserver close idle and chunk key column missing (#2310)
- [docs] Update Postgres CDC document for option (#2280)
- [postgres] Fix the slot name conflict bug (#2251)
- [docs] add docs for the mysql tables without primary keys (#2238)
- [oracle] Use oracle connection in context for each reader subtask (#2254)
- [hotfix] Update support version (#2256)
Contributor List (sorted alphabetically)
- Hang Ruan
- Leonard Xu
- SileiWu
- empcl
- gongzhongqiang
- skylines
- syyfffy
Release Notes
Features and Improvements
- [hotfix] Add vitess connector to the release profile
- [docs][hotfix] Update debezium reference links to 1.9 version
- [build] Update the copyright year to 2023 (#2205)
- [postgres] Fix postgres e2e test
- [postgres] scan.incremental.snapshot.enabled is closed by default
- [postgres] Backfill task will be able to end when there is not new change data but read the ending lsn
- [postgres] Create slot for backfill task before snapshot reading
- [postgres] Prepare a slot for the unique global stream split
- [mysql] Fix GTID issues to recover from checkpoint normally in specifying startup mode (#2220)
- [doc][hotfix] Fix driver version and correct vitess doc path (#2224)
- [vitess] Add e2e case for Vitess connector
- [vitess] Add Vitess tests in Azure pipeline
- [vitess] Add Vitess CDC connector (#456)
- [debezium] Bump debezium version to 1.9.7.Final (#2156)
- [oracle] Fix the backfill task not running bug in oracle cdc connector (#2218)
- [hotfix][sqlserver] Merge high and low watermark data during snapshot reading process (#2179)
- [Postgres] Use Incremental Snapshot Framework for Postgres CDC Connector (#2216)
- [oracle] Fix the incremental phase not skip the data that has been read in the snapshot full phase (#2215)
- [mongodb] Support specific timestamp startup mode. (#2207)
- [tests][mysql] Shutdown mysql container timely for legacy mysql tests
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix regex inference of database or collection only contains dash. (#2209)
- [hotfix][build] Use different name for each job
- [hotfix][Mysql] MySqlBinlogSplitAssigner should support method isStreamSplitAssigned
- [MySQL] Remove deleted tables when using a new table filter and restarting from checkpoint
- [build][mysql][e2e] Increase the azure test job timeout to 90 minutes
- [mysql] Fix MySql CDC Connector outputs duplicated binlog when enable newly-added-table
- [mysql][minor] Print clear log information for key path
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix drop or rename record cause documentKey being empty. (#2210)
- [ci][oceanbase] Only compile necessary modules for self hosted pipeline
- [doc] Add docs for close idle readers feature. (#2208)
- [cdc-base] Close idle readers when snapshot finished (#2202)
- [mongodb] Add support for mongodb+srv connection protocol. (#2203)
- [oceanbase] Always cleanup resources after reading before exit (#2189)
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix NullPointerException when executing ddl operation in MongoDB (#2107)
- [mysql-cdc] Supports MYSQL_TYPE_TYPED_ARRAY column type when parsing the table map event
- [mysql-cdc][hotfix] Optimize the error msg when binlog expire in source
- [mysql-cdc] Optimize the error msg when binlog expire or server id conflict This closes #2010.
- [oceanbase] add jdbc options and support oracle mode (#1854)
- [mysql-cdc] Add handler for catching async exceptions in snapshot reading executor This closes #2016.
- [hotfix][mysql-cdc] Use session timezone instead of local time zone as the default server time zone
- [mysql] Fix NullPointerException when database name or table name contains dot
- [mysql] Fix NullPointerException caused by mysql ignores the capitalization when splitting chunks
- [sqlserver] Fix old change data that will be captured when the latest mode starts (#2176)
- [core] support print configuration options for connectors (#2099)
- [oceanbase] support libobcdc 4.x and fix restore timestamp config (#2161)
- [sqlserver] Sqlserver incremental source. (#1732)
- [OceanBase][test] Update oceanbase and oblogproxy docker image (#2060)
- [oceanbase] use real charset to convert change record (#2159)
- [mysql] Support tables which do not contain a primary key (#2150)
- [common] Bump flink to 1.17.0 (#2057)
- [doc] add mongodb cdc chinese doc (#2042)
- [hotfix][test] ignore OracleConnectorITCase.testConsumingAllEvents util issue 1875 fix (#2111)
- [docs][db2] Correct CHAR(n) to CHARACTER(n) (#2052)
- [postgres] Change config option to be required (#1996)
- [docs] Update the outdated DingTalk QR code
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix pollAwaitTimeMillis does not take effect (#1995)
- [tests][mysql] Skip unnecessary IT Cases which uses legacy debezium source implementation
- [mysql] Add note for MySQL TINYINT(1) type to Flink SQL Boolean type
- [github] Minor typo in issue bug-report (#2020)
- [mysql-cdc] Fix race condition between split and coordinator thread that async exception might not be caught
- [mysql/oracle] Fix the wrong comments in ChunkSplitter
- [hotfix][docs] Correct the flink file path in MySQL docs
- [hotfix][mongodb] Fix resume token not found #1879 (#1938)
- [mongodb][hotfix] Fix authentication failed when using a non admin auth source and duplicated usernames #1934 (#1935)
- [mysql] Add various test cases to cover newly added table process from read binlog blocking to read binlog un-blocking
- [hotfix][base] Fix typo in java docs
- [mysql] Optimize the newly added table process from read binlog blocking to read binlog un-blocking
- [minor][mysql] Rename SplitsSize to SplitsNumber
- [hotfix][mysql] Correct meta group id as it is 0 based
- [hotfix][base][tidb][mysql] Fix wrong condition for execution timeout
- [mongodb] Improve code structure (#1900)
- [build] Use issue form templates (#1830)
- [ci] Fix for dubious repo ownership issue (#1843)
- [docs] Update to recommend latest version (#1842)
- [ci] Fix for dubious repo ownership issue (#1840)
- [docs][sqlserver] Update data type mapping (#1802)
- [ci][tidb] Fix dns cache works incorrect in latest jdk 8. (#1809)
- [postgresql] Upgrade postgresql driver from 42.2.26 to 42.2.27 to avoid CVE-2022-41946 (#1773)
- [minor][common] Improve the changelogMode expression (#1793)
- [hotfix][debezium] Forward root cause in DebeziumSourceFunction (#1791)
- [docs][oracle] Add new introduced config options from incremental snapshot framework (#1719)
- [mysql] Fix backward compatibility on deserializing binlog offset from old versions (#1758)
- [hotfix][docs] Correct the startup option's data type in Mysql docs and duplicate batch.size in MongoDB docs (#1751)
- [hotfix][docs] Correct the mysql driver version in MySQL docs
- [docs][site] update the supported cdc connectors picture
- [oracle] Add missing supported config options for oracle table source (#1727)
Contributor List (sorted alphabetically)
- Hang Ruan
- He Wang
- JasonLee
- Jiabao Sun
- Jingsong Lee
- Xiao Meng
- Leonard Xu
- Qingsheng Ren
- Robert Metzger
- Sergey Nuyanzin
- Simonas Gelazevicius
- Yaroslav Tkachenko
- Tigran Manasyan
- Tyrantlucifer
- ZhongLinLeo
- bb chen
- ehui
- emhui
- gintarasm
- gongzhongqiang
- liangyaohui97
- lin.zl
- molsionmo
- skylines
- tison
- wallkop
- wangxiaojing
- wuzhenhua
- xixingya
- zhaomin
- zhuyuan03
- ε«ι£