Apache NetBeans 12.0 update 2
What's Changed
- [NETBEANS-3428] FlatLaf: fix selection background color in output view by @lkishalmi in #2636
- [NETBEANS-4627] FlatLaf: fix wrong background color of search result … by @lkishalmi in #2637
- [NETBEANS-4722] Add JAVA_HOME to Gradle build environment variables by @lkishalmi in #2638
- [NETBEANS-3409] Missing popup menu for sql editor tabs by @lkishalmi in #2667
- [NETBEANS-4444] The selected text is not removed in the Find Combobox… by @lkishalmi in #2668
- Include both KDE4 and KDE5 proxy settings. by @lkishalmi in #2669
- [NETBEANS-4123] PAC evaluator scripts runs just one at a time. by @lkishalmi in #2670
- [NETBEANS-4617] Flush Gradle Standard output in 200ms if it stalled by @lkishalmi in #2671
- [NETBEANS-3342] Fix Netbeans Installer on macOS to work with Java 8 and 11+ by @lkishalmi in #2680
- [NETBEANS-5336] Replace jcenter() to mavenCentral() in Gradle Projects by @lkishalmi in #2745
Full Changelog: 12.0-u1...12.0-u2