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[SYSTEMDS-3689] Complete ResNet Integration
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These commits add the full integration of ResNets. The forward passes
for the basic residual block architecture (ResNet18 & 34) have been
previously added. These commits add the forward passes for the bottleneck
architecture (ResNet50, 101 & 152) and the backward passes for all

Additionally, since the iteration through the model parameters,
especially for the bigger models, gets quite complex, I implemented
utiltiy functions for the updating the parameters with differen optimizers.
For each model and for each optimizer, a uitlity method to initialize
the optimizer state parameters and to update the model parameters have
been added.

There is also an example added which uses random data to showcase the
full training loop of the ResNets (forward, backward, param updating).
The example uses ResNet18 but can changed by simply modifying the import
statement to another model. Also, the ADAM optimizer is used but
I also added all the other optimizers in the example and can be used by
uncommenting the respective lines. The example was tested for all
ResNets (18, 34, 50, 101, 152) and for all optimizers. Every combination
trains correctly (i.e. the loss shrinks).

About testing, I've added comprehensive testing for the forward and
backward pass of the residual blocks (basic and bottleneck architectures)
and for the residual layer's forward pass (multiple residual blocks) but
not for the residual layer backward pass and the full networks because
the example data would take up to much space.

Closes #1992
Closes #2010
  • Loading branch information
MaximilianSchreff authored and phaniarnab committed Mar 30, 2024
1 parent 14e2995 commit 505f871
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Showing 11 changed files with 6,053 additions and 139 deletions.
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions scripts/nn/examples/Example-ResNet.dml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# This is a simple example for the use of the ResNets. Here,
# ResNet18 is used. Random data is used to only showcase the
# usage of the ResNets and their implemented utility functions.
# There are utility functions for different optimizers. To
# swtich the used optimizer, comment and uncomment the
# corresponding lines marked with '***' in the initialization
# and training sections.

source("scripts/nn/networks/resnet_util.dml") as resnet_util
source("scripts/nn/networks/resnet18.dml") as resnet18
source("scripts/nn/layers/softmax.dml") as softmax
source("scripts/nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss.dml") as cross_entropy
source("scripts/nn/layers/logcosh_loss.dml") as logcosh
source("nn/optim/adam.dml") as adam

# model
classes = 1000

# get initial model parameters
[model, ema_means_vars] = resnet18::init(classes, -1)

# get initial optimizer parameters
# choose your optimizer:
# *** adagrad
# optimizer_params = resnet18::init_adagrad_optim_params(classes)
# *** adam
optimizer_params = resnet18::init_adam_optim_params(classes)
# *** rmsprop
# optimizer_params = resnet18::init_rmsprop_optim_params(classes)
# *** sgd
# optimizer_params = list()
# *** sgd momenutum
# optimizer_params = resnet18::init_sgd_momentumg_optim_params(classes)
# *** sgd nesterov
# optimizer_params = resnet18::init_sgd_nesterov_optim_params(classes)

# create random data
N = 100
Hin = 32
Win = 32
C = 3 # input channels
X = rand(rows=N, cols=Hin*Win*C)
Y = rand(rows=N, cols=classes, min=0, max=1, pdf="normal")

# train ResNet
epochs = 20
batch_size = 16

[learned_model, learned_emas] = train(X, Y, model, ema_means_vars, N, Hin, Win, epochs, batch_size, optimizer_params)

train = function(matrix[double] X, matrix[double] Y, list[unknown] model, list[unknown] emas, int samples, int Hin,
int Win, int epochs, int batch_size, list[unknown] optim_params)
return (list[unknown] learned_model, list[unknown] learned_emas) {
* Trains the model and returns the learned parameters.
# optimizer hyper parameters
lr = 0.001
epsilon = 1e-8
# *** adam
beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.999
t = 0
# *** rmsprop
decay_rate = 0.99
# sgd momentum & nesterov
momentum = 0.8

learned_model = list()
learned_emas = list()

iterations = ceil(samples/batch_size)
mode = "train"

for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
loss_avg = 0.0

print("Start epoch: " + epoch)

for (i in 1:iterations) {
print(" - Iteration: " + i)

# get batch
start = (i - 1) * batch_size + 1
end = min(samples, i * batch_size)
X_batch = X[start:end,]
Y_batch = Y[start:end,]

# forward pass
[out, emas, cached_out, cached_means_vars] = resnet18::forward(X_batch, Hin, Win, model, mode, emas)

# loss
loss = logcosh::forward(out, Y_batch)
loss_avg = (loss_avg * (i - 1) + loss) / i

# backward
dOut = logcosh::backward(out, Y_batch)
[dX, gradients] = resnet18::backward(dOut, cached_out, model, cached_means_vars)

# update parameters
# choose your optimizer
# *** adagrad
# [model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_adagrad(model, gradients, lr, epsilon, optim_params)
# *** adam
[model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_adam(model, gradients, lr, beta1, beta2, epsilon,
t, optim_params)
t = t + 1
# *** rmsprop
# [model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_rmsprop(model, gradients, lr, decay_rate, epsilon,
# optim_params)
# *** sgd
# [model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_sgd(model, gradients, lr)
# *** sgd momentum
# [model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_sgd_momentum(model, gradients, lr, momentum,
# optim_params)
# *** sgd nesterov
# [model, optim_params] = resnet18::update_params_with_sgd_nesterov(model, gradients, lr, momentum,
# optim_params)

# reshuffle mini batches
r = rand(rows=nrow(Y), cols=1, min=0, max=1, pdf="uniform")
X_tmp = order(target=cbind(r, X), by=1)
Y_tmp = order(target=cbind(r, Y), by=1)
X = X_tmp[,2:ncol(X_tmp)]
Y = Y_tmp[,2:ncol(Y_tmp)]

print("Epoch Avg. Loss: " + loss_avg)

learned_model = model
learned_emas = emas

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