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YASC (Yet Another Slack Clone)

YASC aims to be a lightweight, team-oriented messaging solution with strong guarantees around message integrity and availability. The following features represent the bare minimum in terms of what is required to make this project a reality. Not all of the features are yet fully operational. This notice will be removed when they are.

MVP Feature Set:

  1. Authentication Functionality

    • Registration
    • Multiple login
    • Demo login
    • BONUS: Implement Auth0 login/registration functionality
  2. Workspace Functionality

    • Workspace creation
    • Workspace un/registration
    • Slack-like styling
    • BONUS: Channel/User search
  3. Channel Functionality

    • Channel creation
    • Channel un/subscription
    • Slack-like styling
    • Typing/presence indicators
    • BONUS: Auto-completing user mentions
    • BONUS: Lazy Channels: as opposed to loading the full history of a given channel/thread, only load some of it, loading the rest on demand (ie, user scrolling)
  4. Live Chat

    • Websocket functionality for client communication, with client storage of last known event_ts
    • Eventual consistency model around messages (see Atomic Broadcast notes).
    • Real-time Messaging Server
    • Client side pub/sub: client subscribes to list of users/channels that they are 'interested in', and only receive real-time notifications from those. this reduces the amount of events clients have to handle. examples include: presence updates
  5. Direct Messages (p2p, p2group)

    • Users can dm anyone in the same workspace
    • Users can enter/leave dms
  6. BONUS: Authorization Functionality (workspace, channel)

    • Workspace creators are workspace admin
    • Workspace admin may set permissions of other workspace users
    • Workspace users w/ clearance (ie. channel admins) may create channels
    • Channel admins may boot/mute channel users
  7. BONUS: Asynchronous Job Queue

    • A central server which collects jobs in a queue and dispatches them to its collection of workers, on a first-available basis. The server returns the worker's results to the original caller.
    • Use cases:
      • Async URL unfurling for links shared in chat
      • User mention notifications

Architectural Design:

React (on Rails) Client - connects to:

  1. WebApp (Rails Main API)
  2. Messaging Server (Rails Messaging API)

Messaging Server - connects to:

  1. WebApp

WebApp - controls

  1. PostgreSQL database
  2. BONUS: Job Queue for async actions

This isn't much more than an attempt to clone Slack's architecture as presented in reference [1], minute 2:10.

React Client: Responsible for rendering all views for the client. Speaks HTTP with WebApp (thru React), websocket with Messaging Server

WebApp: Responsible for implementing all business logic. It keeps records in a PostgreSQL database, and uses a job queue system to execute async jobs.

Messaging Server: Uses the WebSocket protocol (ActionCable in our case) to send real-time messages to users. Specifically, it listens for events that happen in the WebApp/db, and then fans those events out to the relevant users

Atomic Broadcast Notes:

  • If a valid user broadcasts a message to the channel, all valid users will eventually receive it
  • If a valid user receives a message, all valid users eventually receive it
  • Uniform integrity of messages: a message is received at most once by each valid users, if it was broadcast
  • Uniform order of messages: all valid users receive all messages in the same order

Strictly satisfying all of these requirements seems to be impossible (see [2]). For more detail please consult [3].



Yet Another Slack Clone -- a/A Full Stack






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