PollSys - A polls web app customised for NIT Trichy
Version 0.1
🟢 Features :-
- Registration using webmail 🛅
- Creation and Deletion of polls by registered users 📢
- Voting by registered users 🚸
- Anonymity of voters 💯
- Encryption algorithms in place for sensitive data like passwords #️⃣
🟡 Future Additions (In order of priority) :-
- Toast Notifications
‼️ - Editing of Polls 🔄
- Restriction of polls by creators to specific groups of people (Batch, Department, UG/PG etc) 🛡️
- Live updates of polls (i.e. no need to refresh page to get latest update on votes) 🆒
🚀 Use at :- https://polls-gamma.vercel.app 🔼