This package is no longer being maintained, as the new demes
should be used instead. demes
interfaces with moments
, msprime
, fwdpy11
, and other packages such as
should be supported soon. There are plotting features for demes
objects available from Graham Gower's demesdraw
Repository for Demography Building as graphical objects, a Python package.
Demographies are encoded as directed acyclic graphs using networkx
which are then parsed as a demography object. From that demography
object, we can call various simulation engines to either return
simulated sequences or expectations for common summary statistics
used in inference.
Right now, we have support for running simulations over the demography
using msprime
(, which
simulates sequences under either the Hudson or Discrete Time Wright Fisher
models. We can also get the expected site frequency spectrum (SFS) using
either moments
( or dadi
(, and expected multi-population
linkage disequlibrium statistics (LD) using moments.LD
(which is packaged
with moments
This is mainly a collection of tools I've built to make life easier when testing population genetic inference methods against simulated demographic models, and for testing the accuracy of various numerical methods for computing summary statistics. There could very easily be some corner cases where something breaks, or does something unexpected.
If you find any issues or think something is amiss, don't hesitate to get in touch and tell me. The easiest way to do that is open an Issue. :)
This will get you up and running, after cloning this repository.
We first need to install the dependencies.
If this is not your first Python excursion, you will already have most
installed, including numpy
, collections
, and matplotlib
. These basic
requirements can be installed from the requirements.txt file, using either
conda install --file requirements.txt
or pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
As is, demography
can be used to plot and visualize demographies. If we
want to run simulations or compute statistics, we'll need to install the
simulation engines that we want.
To run simulations using msprime
, we'll need to install it. Instructions
can be found in the msprime
docs. If you're using conda:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install msprime
This will also get you tskit
for working with tree sequence outputs.
, which is used to compute the expected site frequency spectrum (SFS),
can also be installed via bioconda:
conda install -c bioconda dadi
If you're familiar using dadi
, moments
has a very similar usage and
feel, but can handle up to 5 populations. Additionally, moments
is packaged
with moments.LD
, which rapidly computes multi-population LD statistics over
an arbitrary number of populations. To install moments
and moments.LD
clone the moments repository,
git clone https://[email protected]/simongravel/moments.git
install the dependencies from the moments directory,
conda install --file requirements.txt
and then install moments by running
sudo python install
Once all of these are installed and ready to go, let's run the tests to make
sure everything went smoothly. In the tests directory (cd tests
Everything should come out ok.
NOTE: If tests are failing, or if you run into any other bugs, or if you have any feature requests or find anything unintuitive, please open an Issue. I am actively maintaining and using this software, and would greatly appreciate the feedback or questions.
Demographic history can be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG),
where nodes represent populations, and edges represent the relationship
between populations. The networkx
package in Python gives us a flexible
and convenient way of specifying DAG demographies.
Note that time and sizes are population-size scaled, so sizes nu
given relative to "Ne", and times T
are given in units of 2Ne generations.
Migration rates are also population-size scaled, in units of 2 Ne m_{i,j},
where m_{i,j} is the per generation probability of a lineage in population
being a migrant from population i
This is all probably best seen through some example:
All examples are also coded in
in the examples directory.
A single population with multiple epochs. We represent each epoch as its
own node, with edges connecting the different epoch nodes. Each node has
a population size (given by nu
, the relative size N_e/N_{ref}, or by
and nuF
if it undergoes expontial growth/decay over that epoch).
Each node persists for a given time (the time of the epoch). We also give
each node/epoch a label, which needs to be unique to that node (so multiple
epochs of the same population need to each have their own unique label).
We first initialize the DAG:
import networkx as nx
G = nx.DiGraph()
Conventionally, we label the root of the demography root
, though you
can name it anything you like. Also conventionally, it has size nu=1
and time T=0
. That is because this node is assumed to be at demographic
equilibrium before applying any demograhic events.
G.add_node('root', nu=1, T=0)
Lets suppose the population goes through a period of smaller size (1 half), followed by a sharp bottleneck and exponential growth:
G.add_node('A', nu=1./2, T=0.2)
G.add_node('B', nu0=0.1, nuF=3.0, T=0.1)
The G.add_edge
tells us that root
is the parent population of A
, and
is the parent of B
. This could also be done en masse using
Now we can create the DemoGraph object:
import demography
dg = demography.DemoGraph(G)
We can compute the SFS using either moments
or dadi
. We just need to
specify the population to sample (must be a leaf population) and the number
of haploid samples to take. Let's sample 10 individuals:
fs = dg.SFS(['B'], [10])
The default engine for computing the SFS is moments
, but we can also use
. This requires specifying the number of grid points to use (either
a single grid point, or a set of three grid points to extrapolate the result -
this is explained over in the dadi docs). Rule of thumb is that the number
of grid points needs to be larger than the sample size:
fs_dadi = dg.SFS(['B'], [10], engine='dadi', pts=[30,40,50])
You can check that these results align - they should be close!
We can also compute LD statistics. We don't need to specify sample size, but we
do have to set the pop_ids
, and the rho
values for the population-size scale
recombination distances to compute LD statistics over. theta
can also be set:
ld = dg.LD(pop_ids=['B'], theta=4*1e-4*1e-8, rho=[0,0.1,1.0,10.0])
If we want to simulate under this demography in msprime
, it's easy to get
the simulation inputs:
pop_configs, mig_mat, demo_events = dg.msprime_inputs(self, Ne=1e4)
the samples list:
samples = dg.msprime_samples(['B'], [10])
or run the simulation, getting the output tree sequence:
ts = dg.simulate_msprime(model='hudson', Ne=1e4,
pop_ids=['B'], sample_sizes=[10],
sequence_length=1e5, recombination_rate=2e-8,
recombination_map=None, mutation_rate=None,
replicates=None) # int value of replicates gives list of tree seqs
A population splits into two, with subsequent migration between populations:
(nu1, nu2, nuA, T, m12, m21) = params
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node('root', nu=nuA, T=0)
G.add_node('pop1', nu=nu1, T=T, m={'pop2':m12})
G.add_node('pop2', nu=nu1, T=T, m={'pop2':m12})
dg = demography.DemoGraph(G)
dg.SFS(['pop1','pop2'], [20,20])
The well-known OOA model (Gutenkunst et al, 2009) of continental-scale human expansion in Africa and Eurasia.
(nuA, TA, nuB, TB, nuEu0, nuEuF, nuAs0,
nuAsF, TF, mAfB, mAfEu, mAfAs, mEuAs) = params
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node('root', nu=1, T=0)
G.add_node('A', nu=nuA, T=TA)
G.add_node('B', nu=nuB, T=TB, m={'YRI':mAfB})
G.add_node('YRI', nu=nuA, T=TB+TF, m={'B':mAfB, 'CEU':mAfEu, 'CHB': mAfAs})
G.add_node('CEU', nu0=nuEu0, nuF=nuEuF, T=TF, m={'YRI':mAfEu, 'CHB':mEuAs})
G.add_node('CHB', nu0=nuAs0, nuF=nuAsF, T=TF, m={'YRI':mAfAs, 'CEU':mEuAs})
G.add_edges_from([('root','A'), ('A','B'), ('A','YRI'), ('B','CEU'),
We can also plot demographic models using the demography.plotting
There are two main plotting features: plot_graph
and plot_demography
. The
first is mainly used to plot the overall topology of the demography, with
splits, mergers, and pulse migration events, and I mainly use it as a visual
debugger. The second fully plots size changes and all migration, representing
population sizes as the size of the block, and drawing continuous migration
rate with dashed arrows.
These can be called by:
demography.plotting.plot_graph(dg, leaf_order=leaf_order, leaf_locs=leaf_locs)
where leaf_order
tells us the order to draw the leaf populations horizontally,
and leaf_locs
tells us the x-coordinates to draw them (so we can control their
spacing). The values in leaf_locs
have to be between 0 and 1.
We can either plot within a matpotlib.axes
object, in which we pass the axes
to ax=ax1
, e.g. Or we can plot it as a stand-alone figure, and it takes fignum
as an argument, and will print the plot to screen using show=True
. offset
, and padding
control the spacing of arrows and populations in the plot.
NOTE: To do: give list of all inputs and usage
The other plotting option is plot_demography
, which takes slightly different
inputs. We pass leaf_order
and padding
for the spacing between populations,
we can pass a list of edges to stacked
for those that are meant to be
placed vertically instead of staggered. For exponentially growing populations,
we can flip the direction that growth extends, specified in flipped
In the examples directory, you can run the
script to get a
feel for how these functions work. Note to self: finish this up after the
examples are all written in the example dir...