This is a RSS and Atom feed service that reads from the production database and produces feeds.
pip install poetry
poetry install
export CLASSIC_DB_URI='sqlite:///feed/tests/data/test_data.db'
note that without a database connection running feed locally isn't very interesting, the most recent local data is 2023-20-27 in the math category
export CLASSIC_DB_URI to the main gcp database URI
make sure to run this from the top level folder
export CLASSIC_DB_URI='sqlite:///feed/tests/data/test_data.db'
a PR to develop should run tests and build and deploy arxiv-feed in GCP development
merging/pushing to develop should trigger a build in production GCP to arxiv-feed-beta
pushes to master branch should trigger build and deploy in arxiv-feed in production
build image with this command:
docker build -t feed .
Create a docker.env file with any enviroment variables you want to set. Here is an example one for running of the local database:
this can be run with
docker run --env-file docker.env -p 8080:8080 feed