This upgrade kits add extra input buttons and a Shitty Add-On V1.69bis connector to AramCon Badge 2019.
Install the following software:
Note: if you only want to flash the firmware from a HEX file, you only need the STM32CubeProgrammer software.
Open the upgrade-kit-firmware in the Arduino IDE, and then go to "Tools" → "Board" and
choose Generic STM32F0 series
. Then under "Board part number" choose STM32F030F4 Demo board (internal RC oscillator)
Finally, click on "Upload" (Ctrl+U) to compile and flash the firmware to the board through STM32CubeProgrammer.
You'll need the following hardware to secure the upgrade kit to your badge:
- 2 x 3D Printed Spacer.
- 2 x M2.5x18 screws with round head (longer ones will also work)
- 2 x M2.5 Nut and washer