Firebot setup for playing Twitch clips on stream from user input.
- Firebot 5.62.1+
- Download
- Clip.firebotsetup
- clips.html
- Import the downloaded firebotsetup file
- You will be prompted to change the location of the html file during import.
- Must be following the channel
- Command/Effect will prevent clips
- from the same streamer twice in a row
- duplicate clips per stream session
- Cooldown to prevent chat from spamming, currently 10 seconds per user
- !clip
- streamer name with or without the leading @ symbol
- url either type:
- or
- url will be sanitized by the utility to remove extraneous information
- urls will need to be whitelisted in your moderation settings
An overlay instance is provided to keep the effect separate from any other effect overlays, useful when you want to stop playing clips early.
The html/css file will make use of the targeted streamer's color to generate a gradient background
Utilities included:
- [Utility] Randomize Clips
- Randomizes the clips
- [Utility] Clip Duration Filter
- Customizable filter to limit the duration of the clips chosen
- Can be enabled/disabled
- Default is 30 seconds
- [Utility] Reset Clips Played this Stream
- Resets the tracking list of clips played this stream to prevent duplicates
- Info: You can add to an event on startup of OBS to reset the clips played this stream session.
- [Utility] Clip Uri Details
- Gets the clip ID to add to the tracking list of clips
- [Utility] Clip Player
- Uses the elements from the other utilities and the html to play the clip
- [Variable] Clips Date filter
- The date filter: shorter, longer, or disable (in [API] Get User Clips)
- Can be enabled/disabled
- Default is
- Enabled
- Previous 12 months
- [Variable] Clips No Date filter
- Hets clips without date filter
- Default is
- Disabled
- [TP] Toggle Clip
- Sets a toggle to enable/disable clips
- Info: You can add it to a startup event to disable on launch of Firebot.
- [TP] Stop Current Clips
- Clears any clips playing from the queue
- [Utility] Randomize Clips
- html
- the size and position to your liking
- the details you would like to include
- there is a 'broken image' image in the game box art img tag that needs to be customized
- html
- This is a complete setup, if you want to put your own version together, check out the following repo's for modular pieces used by this setup
- Inspired by: MattyCanny
- Coding elements: Raimen