This blueprint installs a Kubernetes Cluster with the Cloudify Kubernetes Provider. See documentation.
You can deploy this blueprint on baremetal.
You need 3 separate machines, each with:
- Network access and download ability.
- Must be accessible via SSH
- A
secret containing the private key for the user Cloudify will authenticate with. Make sure that this private key value matches a public key in the authorized keys of each of the VMs.
The two kubernetes nodes accessible in k8s_node_host_ip
and public_master_ip
must have been setup with the script in scripts/
. Make sure to override usermod -aG docker ec2-user
in that file.
cfy install \ \
-n baremetal.yaml -i agent_user=ec2-user \
-i k8s_node_host_ip= \
-i public_master_ip= \
-i k8s_load_host_ip= \
-i \
-b kubernetes
You can use these steps to simulate a baremetal environment with pre-prepared VMs:
# Add the following environment variables:
export AWS_CENTOS_AMI=ami-b937f4d6
export AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE=t2.medium
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=**********
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=**********
export AWS_TEST_KEY=agent_key_private
export AWS_SECURITY_GROUP=sg-001abc6c
export AWS_SUBNET_ID=subnet-dfa3dfa2
Install one Load Balancer VM:
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id $AWS_CENTOS_AMI \
--instance-type $AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE \
--key-name $AWS_TEST_KEY \
--subnet-id $AWS_SUBNET_ID \
--associate-public-ip-address \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=lb}]'
# Install two Kubernetes VMs:
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id $AWS_CENTOS_AMI \
--instance-type $AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE \
--key-name $AWS_TEST_KEY \
--subnet-id $AWS_SUBNET_ID \
--associate-public-ip-address \
--user-data file:// \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=k8s}]'