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Everything's broken, go fix inversion(IRCPMG)
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aris-mav committed Jul 22, 2024
1 parent 4ea27d7 commit fce79ed
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Showing 5 changed files with 189 additions and 177 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/NMRInversions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ module NMRInversions
using DelimitedFiles
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using Statistics
using NativeFileDialog
using PolygonOps
using GLMakie
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## Include the package files
Expand All @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ end

# Export useful functions
export invert
export svdcompress
export create_kernel
export import_1D
export import_spinsolve
export select_peaks
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/inversions_2D.jl
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function invert(
α=:gcv, rdir=(-5, 1, 100), rindir=(-5, 1, 100),
solver=brd, aopt=:none, order=0, savedata::Bool=true, plot::Bool=true)

svds = svdcompress(exptype, t_direct, t_indirect, Raw, rdir=rdir, rindir=rindir)
svds = create_kernel(exptype, t_direct, t_indirect, Raw, rdir=rdir, rindir=rindir)

if isa(α, Real)
f, r = solve_regularization(svds.K, svds.g, α, solver, order)
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186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/kernels.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Create a kernel for the inversion of 1D data.
x is the experiment x axis (time or b factor etc.)
X is the range for the output x axis (T1, T2, D etc.)
function create_kernel(exptype::inversion1D, x::Vector, X::Vector=exp10.(range(-5, 1, 100)))
if exptype == IR
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> 1 - 2 * exp(-t / T)
elseif exptype in [CPMG, PFG]
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> exp(-t / T)

return kernel_eq.(x, X')

struct svdstruct

Calculate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) from complex data,
where the real part is mostly signal and the imaginary part is mostly noise.
σ_n is the STD of the latter half of the imaginary signal
(former half might contain signal residues as well)
function calc_snr(data::AbstractMatrix{<:Complex})

real_data = real.(data)
imag_data = imag.(data)

noise = imag_data[(floor(Int64, (size(imag_data, 1) / 2))):end, :]
σ_n = sqrt(sum((noise .- sum(noise)/length(noise)) .^ 2) / (length(noise) - 1))
SNR = maximum(abs.(real_data)) / σ_n

return SNR
function calc_snr(data::AbstractVector{<:Complex})

real_data = real.(data)
imag_data = imag.(data)

noise = imag_data[(floor(Int64, (size(imag_data, 1) / 2))):end]
σ_n = sqrt(sum((noise .- sum(noise)/length(noise)) .^ 2) / (length(noise) - 1))
SNR = maximum(abs.(real_data)) / σ_n

return SNR

Create a kernel for the inversion of 2D data.
t_direct is the direct dimension acquisition parameter
t_indirect is the indirect dimension acquisition parameter
Raw is the 2D data matrix of complex data
function create_kernel(exptype::inversion2D, x_direct::AbstractVector, x_indirect::AbstractVector, Data::AbstractMatrix;
rdir=(-5, 1, 100), rindir=(-5, 1, 100))

G = real.(Data)
## Determine SNR
SNR = calc_snr(Data)

if SNR < 1000
@warn("The SNR is $(round(SNR, digits=1)), which is below the recommended value of 1000. Consider running experiment with more scans.")

# Kernel ranges
X_direct = exp10.(range(rdir...)) # Range of direct dimension
X_indirect = exp10.(range(rindir...)) # Range of indirect dimension

# Generate Kernels
if exptype == IRCPMG
K_dir = create_kernel(CPMG, x_direct, X_direct)
K_indir = create_kernel(IR, x_indirect, X_indirect)

## Perform SVD truncation
usv_dir = svd(K_dir) #paper (13)
usv_indir = svd(K_indir) #paper (14)

# finding which singular components are contributed from K1 and K2
S21 = usv_indir.S * usv_dir.S' #Using outer product instead of Kronecker, to make indices more obvious
indices = findall(i -> i .> (1/SNR), S21) # find elements in S12 above the noise threshold
= S21[indices]
= length(s̃)

si = (first.(Tuple.(indices))) # direct dimension singular vector indices
sj = (last.(Tuple.(indices))) # indirect dimension singular vector indices

= diag(usv_indir.U[:, si]' * G' * usv_dir.U[:, sj])

V1t = repeat(usv_dir.V[:, sj], size(usv_indir.V, 1), 1)
V2t = reshape(repeat(usv_indir.V[:, si]', size(usv_dir.V, 1), 1), ñ, size(V1t, 1))'
Ṽ₀ = V1t .* V2t
K̃₀ = Diagonal(s̃) * Ṽ₀'

return svdstruct(K̃₀, g̃, s̃, Ṽ₀, X_direct, X_indirect, SNR)

function create_kernel_svd(exptype::inversion1D, t::AbstractVector, g::AbstractVector; rdir=(-5, 1, 100))

if exptype == IR
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> 1 - 2 * exp(-t / T)

elseif exptype == CPMG
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> exp(-t / T)

elseif exptype == PFG
kernel_eq = (t, D) -> exp(-t / D)


T_range = exp10.(range(rdir...))
kernel = kernel_eq.(t, T_range')

usv = svd(kernel)

p1 = scatter([usv.S, abs.(usv.U' * g), abs.(usv.U' * g ./ usv.S)], yscale=:log10, label=["σ" "|U'g|" "|U'g|./σ"])


display("How many singular values do you want to keep? ")

i = parse(Int, readline())
# i = 15

# Truncate singular values after i
= usv.S[1:i]
= usv.V[:, 1:i]
= Diagonal(s̃) *'
= usv.U[:, 1:i]' * g

return svdstruct(K̃, g̃, s̃, Ṽ, T_range, [], 0, 0)


## Data compression

function compress_data(t_direct::AbstractVector, G::AbstractMatrix, bins::Int=64)

# Compress direct dimension to the length of bins

# Use logarithmically spaced windows for a window average
windows = zeros(bins)

x = 1
while windows[1] == 0
windows = (exp10.(range(log10(x), log10(10), bins))) # make log array
windows = (windows / sum(windows)) * size(G)[1] # normalize it so that elements add up to correct size
windows = floor.(Int, LowerTriangular(ones(Int, bins, bins)) * windows) # make valid indices
x += 1
#sanity check, this sum below should be almost equal to the uncompressed array size

W0 = Diagonal(inv(LowerTriangular(ones(Int, bins, bins))) * windows)

# Window average matrix, A

A = zeros(bins, size(G)[1])
for i in 1:bins
if i == 1
A[i, 1:windows[1]] .= 1 / diag(W0)[i]
A[i, (windows[i-1]+1):windows[i]] .= 1 / diag(W0)[i]

t_direct = A * t_direct # Replace old direct time array with compressed one
G = A * G # Replace old G with compressed one

# sanity check plot:
# surface(G, camera=(110, 25), xscale=:log10)

usv1 = svd(sqrt(W0) * K1) #paper (13)
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions src/misc.jl
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@@ -1,24 +1,4 @@
function create_kernel(exptype::inversion1D, x::Vector, X::Vector=exp10.(range(-5, 1, 100)))
if exptype == IR
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> 1 - 2 * exp(-t / T)
elseif exptype == CPMG
kernel_eq = (t, T) -> exp(-t / T)
elseif exptype == PFG
kernel_eq = (t, D) -> exp(-t / D)

return kernel_eq.(x, X')

function create_kernel(exptype::inversion2D,
x_dir::Vector, x_indir::Vector,
X_dir::Vector=exp10.(range(-5, 1, 100)), X_indir::Vector=exp10.(range(-5, 1, 100)))

if exptype == IRCPMG



function gcv_score(α, r, s, x) # where r is the residuals of the solution and x=Ṽ₀'f

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