is a staff time-off system for educational institutions, developed primarily for the Dept. of Information Science and Technology, College of Engineering, Guindy.
Live demo (still buggy though):
Use dummy credentials to login: (email) [email protected] (password) admin1234
There is an age-old convention of naming open-source projects after Greek
mythological figures (examples: kubernetes,
prometheus and so on). I was not able to find a character that applies for management of leaves. So, to uphold the spirit, the transliteration adeia
of άδεια
was chosen,
which in Greek, means 'leave of absence'.
The UI for this application is shamelessly copied heavily inspired from Discord. And, in no way does this project mimic or impersonate the service. This project is used for a completely free purpose.
The code for this project is released under the MPL-2.0 license. Logo and illustrations are copyright arkn98.