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How to use NX

Jérémy Goupil edited this page May 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the nx-catalog wiki!

How to init the monorepo with nx: nx

yarn global add nx@latest npx nx@latest init

Add the different plugins : nx plugins

yarn add @nx/angular:app yarn add @nx/angular yarn add @nx/react yarn add @nx/storybook yarn add @nx-plus/vue

Create apps (UI): generators

nx generate @nx/angular:app angular-book nx generate @nx/react:app react-book nx generate @nx-plus/vue:app vue-book

Add Storybook to each apps

nx g @nx/storybook:configuration angular-book nx g @nx/storybook:configuration react-book nx g @nx/storybook:configuration vue-book

Create apps (API)

yarn add @nx/node nx generate @nx/node:app node-book yarn add @nx/nest nx generate @nx/nest:app nest-book

Add playwright for projects (note: Cypress is already setup for each apps by the generator plugin)

yarn add -D @nx-extend/playwright nx g @nx-extend/playwright:init