A Flutter application implementing a quotation management system with a focus on clean architecture and modern development practices.
- Create, read, update, and delete quotations
- Local storage using Hive database
- BLoC pattern for state management
The application is built using Clean Architecture with the following layers:
- Domain Layer: Contains business logic and entities
- Data Layer: Implements repositories and handles data sources
- Presentation Layer: Handles UI and state management
The core module contains application-wide functionality:
: Error handling and exceptionsexceptions.dart
: Custom exception definitionsfailures.dart
: Failure cases for error handling
: Navigation and routingapp_router.dart
: Application routing configuration
: Shared utilitiesconstants.dart
: Application constants and configurationsformatters.dart
: Data formatting utilitiesvalidators.dart
: Form validation logic
Images showcasing the app's interface and functionality can be found in the showcase_images