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How The Process Works ?

J Arun Mani edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Let us learn in short and simple way the process of this gateway idea.

Creating groups

First of all, for the bot to handle the work, you need three groups. The purpose of these groups are given in Commonly Used Terms.

  1. Gateway group This group should be a super group and have a matching username and title, that promotes your brand.
  2. Moderation group This group should be a private group with only admins.
  3. Private group The real group where the real discussion happens. Make it a private group.

Adding bot

Don't add the bot directly to a group and expect it to work. Contact the bot in personal message. Send it a /create command. The bot owner (if it was a fork of Taksha) would have banned creation of new groups, in that case you have to use @takshabot or host it yourself. Instruction for hosting it yourself is given in

After giving the command, the bot will ask you to choose the three groups, do it and press Confirm.

Changing settings

The default value of clean and refresh interval is 1440 minutes (24 hours; 1 day) and 5 minutes. You can change it if you want. But the one, most of you want to change in prompt. Prompt could be any message you want your user to know if they want to join your group. It can be a text of rules or simple verification criteria. Default value of prompt is Tell me your interest in joining the group.. If you updated title or admins of your group, you should click on Update for the bot to note the changes.

The process

After setting up everything, the bot will start watching the group. Now you have two ways of verifying users.

  1. User joins a group and sends message in group itself. Now you can approve the user and the bot will ask the user to personal message it for invite link.
  2. User direct messages the bot. In this case, the bot forwards the message to moderation group. You need to reply to that forward message for any action. For example, if you send /approve, the bot will approve the user and send invite link. If you send a plain message, the message is sent to the user. This is extremely useful if your users want to tell something to all admins. With this, you can use the bot as a communication medium between admins and users.

Apart from this, there are some useful commands that helps in various situations. Browse Private Command and Group Commands for it.

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