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Fix wrong link and update virtualenv apt package in documentation #472

Fix wrong link and update virtualenv apt package in documentation

Fix wrong link and update virtualenv apt package in documentation #472

name: Build framework on Linux Bare
# execute on every PR made targeting the branches bellow
- main
paths: # we only include paths critical for building to avoid unnecessary runs
- src/**
- include/**
- scripts/cmake/**
- test/**
- .github/workflows/**
- doc/**
- qc_framework/**
- docker/**
# execute on every push made targeting the branches bellow
- main
paths: # we only include paths critical for building to avoid unnecessary runs
- src/**
- include/**
- scripts/cmake/**
- test/**
- .github/workflows/**
- doc/**
- qc_framework/**
- docker/**
workflow_dispatch: # Allows manual triggering of the workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
TEST_ENABLED: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && 'ON' || 'OFF' }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Create dependencies build space
run: mkdir dependencies
shell: bash
- name: Install dependencies
working-directory: dependencies
run: |
echo "Installing Dependencies..."
sudo apt update
sudo apt install \
g++ \
g++-10 \
make \
build-essential \
cmake \
libgtest-dev \
qtbase5-dev \
libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev \
libxerces-c-dev \
echo "Dependencies installed."
shell: bash
- name: Build framework
# Currently this is building without the XSD file. If we want to expose
# the build artifact after, we might as well need to add the XSD file.
run: |
echo Building framework...
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -B./build -S . \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/home/$(whoami)/qc-build" \
-DQt5_DIR="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5/" \
cmake --build ./build --target install --config Release -j4
cmake --install ./build
echo Done.
shell: bash
- name: Prepare build artifacts
run: |
sudo chmod -R +x ./build/src/
shell: bash
- name: Archive release binaries
shell: bash
run: mkdir artifacts && cp ./build/src/result_pooling/ResultPooling ./build/src/report_modules/report_module_text/TextReport ./build/src/report_modules/report_module_github_ci/GithubCIReport ./build/src/report_modules/report_module_gui/ReportGUI artifacts/
- name: Upload release artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: qc-framework-executables-linux_x64
path: artifacts
- name: Unit test execution
run: |
echo Starting tests...
ctest --test-dir build -C Release
echo All tests done.
shell: bash
- name: Archive test results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: unit-test-report-ubuntu
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
- name: Framework test execution
run: |
mv build out_build
cp -r /home/$(whoami)/qc-build/bin bin
cp out_build/examples/checker_bundle_example/DemoCheckerBundle bin/
cd qc_framework
curl -sSL | python3 -
poetry install --with dev
poetry run pytest -rA > runtime_test.log
- name: Archive Framework test results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: framework-test-report-ubuntu
path: ${{ github.workspace }}/qc_framework/runtime_test.log
- name: Set up Python 3.10
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
- name: Execute checker bundles
run: |
export ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_MANIFEST_DIR=${{ github.workspace }}/.github/workflows/linux-manifest
export ASAM_QC_FRAMEWORK_INSTALLATION_DIR=/home/$(whoami)/qc-build/bin
pip install -e ${{ github.workspace }}/qc_framework
mkdir "/home/$(whoami)/odr_out"
pip install asam-qc-opendrive
qc_runtime --config="${{ github.workspace }}/.github/workflows/linux-files/odr_config.xml" --manifest="${{ github.workspace }}/.github/workflows/linux-manifest/framework.json" --working_dir="/home/$(whoami)/odr_out"
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/odr_out/xodr_bundle_report.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Odr output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/odr_out/Result.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Odr output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/odr_out/Report.txt" ]; then echo "Error: Odr output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
mkdir "/home/$(whoami)/osc_out"
pip install asam-qc-openscenarioxml
qc_runtime --config="/home/$(whoami)/work/qc-framework/qc-framework/.github/workflows/linux-files/osc_config.xml" --manifest="/home/$(whoami)/work/qc-framework/qc-framework/.github/workflows/linux-manifest/framework.json" --working_dir="/home/$(whoami)/osc_out"
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/osc_out/xosc_bundle_report.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Osc output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/osc_out/Result.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Osc output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/osc_out/Report.txt" ]; then echo "Error: Osc output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
mkdir "/home/$(whoami)/otx_out"
pip install asam-qc-otx
qc_runtime --config="/home/$(whoami)/work/qc-framework/qc-framework/.github/workflows/linux-files/otx_config.xml" --manifest="/home/$(whoami)/work/qc-framework/qc-framework/.github/workflows/linux-manifest/framework.json" --working_dir="/home/$(whoami)/otx_out"
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/otx_out/otx_bundle_report.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Otx output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/otx_out/Result.xqar" ]; then echo "Error: Otx output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -f "/home/$(whoami)/otx_out/Report.txt" ]; then echo "Error: Otx output does not exist."; exit 1; fi
shell: bash