The following requirement list was the foundation for the design of the framework:
- Possibility to include a common ASAM rule set, which validates the rules from the specification document
- Write own rule sets, implemented in any programming language
- Extract meta information (e.g. if the file contain specific objects and the location of them)
- Configuration sets and parametrization of rules
- Possibility to include results based on the analysis of simulation runs
- Human and machine readable results
- Interactive usage or run in an automated workflow
- Locate the results in the XML source code and in a visualization of the map
Input File: The file which should be checked by the Quality Checker Framework
Rule: A textual description/definition about the input file characteristics.
Check/Checker: A software module that tests rules compliance or creates statistical information about the input file. This can be a static or a dynamic test
Checker Bundle: An executable or script that includes one or more Checkers. Checker Bundles allow checks to be better structured and divided into logical groups. In short they:
- are a summary of several Checkers
- with similar functions
- from one supplier
- developed in one distinct development environment/programming language
- allow for files only be read/prepared once via parser
- can be started via external scripting/automation
- are a summary of several Checkers
Result File: Checker Bundles write their results in a XML based
file. See File Formats Reference for details and examples -
Report Module: Output / Transmission / Visualization Results
Checker Library: Collection of Checker Bundles and/or Report Modules for one domain
Quality Checker Framework, that:
- feeds the input file to the individual Checker Bundles
- selects and configures the checker
- summarizes the results (Result Pooling)
- calls the report modules so that the user can view or further process the results
- provides standard Checkers and standard report modules
flowchart LR
framework[fa:fa-laptop-code Quality Checker Framework]
checker_library_1["fa:fa-folder-open Checker Library A Directory"]
checker_library_2["fa:fa-folder-open Checker Library B Directory"]
checker_bundle_1_1[fa:fa-cubes Checker Bundle A1.exe/py]
checker_bundle_1_2[fa:fa-cubes Checker Bundle A2.exe/py]
checker_bundle_1_3[fa:fa-cubes Checker Bundle A3.exe/py]
checker_bundle_2_1[fa:fa-cubes Checker Bundle B1.exe/py]
checker_bundle_2_2[fa:fa-cubes Checker Bundle B2.exe/py]
report_module_2_1[fa:fa-cubes Optional specific Report Module B3.exe/py]
check_1_1_1[fa:fa-cube Check A1.1]
check_1_1_2[fa:fa-cube Check A1.2]
check_1_2_1[fa:fa-cube Check A2.1]
check_1_3_1[fa:fa-cube Check A3.1]
check_1_3_2[fa:fa-cube Check A3.2]
check_1_3_3[fa:fa-cube Check A3.3]
check_2_1_1[fa:fa-cube Check B1.1]
check_2_1_2[fa:fa-cube Check B1.2]
check_2_2_1[fa:fa-cube Check B2.1]
rule_uid_1(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 1 from standard)
rule_uid_2(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 2 from standard)
rule_uid_3(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 3 from standard)
rule_uid_4(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 4 from standard)
rule_uid_5(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 5 from standard)
rule_uid_6(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 6 from checker library)
rule_uid_7(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 7 from checker library)
rule_uid_8(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 8 from standard)
rule_uid_9(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 9 from standard)
rule_uid_10(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 10 from standard)
rule_uid_11(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 11 from standard)
rule_uid_12(fa:fa-scale-balanced Rule 12 from standard)
framework --executes modules from--> checker_library_1
framework --executes modules from--> checker_library_2
checker_library_1 --contains --> checker_bundle_1_1
checker_library_1 --contains --> checker_bundle_1_2
checker_library_1 --contains --> checker_bundle_1_3
checker_library_2 --contains--> checker_bundle_2_1
checker_library_2 --contains--> checker_bundle_2_2
checker_library_2 --contains--> report_module_2_1
checker_bundle_1_1 --has --> check_1_1_1 --check --> rule_uid_1
check_1_1_1 --check --> rule_uid_2
checker_bundle_1_1 --has --> check_1_1_2 --check --> rule_uid_3
checker_bundle_1_2 --has --> check_1_2_1 --check --> rule_uid_4
checker_bundle_1_3 --has --> check_1_3_1 --check --> rule_uid_5
checker_bundle_1_3 --has --> check_1_3_2 --check --> rule_uid_6
checker_bundle_1_3 --has --> check_1_3_3 --check --> rule_uid_7
check_1_3_3 --check --> rule_uid_8
check_1_3_3 --check --> rule_uid_9
checker_bundle_2_1 --has --> check_2_1_1 --check --> rule_uid_10
checker_bundle_2_1 --has --> check_2_1_2 --check --> rule_uid_11
checker_bundle_2_2 --has --> check_2_2_1 --check --> rule_uid_12
- ASAM Quality Checker Framework
- Runs on Windows & Linux, Local & Server
- Configuration via XML file
- Selection of Checker Bundles
- Selection of individual Checkers in the bundles and their optional parameters → also defines the order in the overall report
- Configuration which Checkers output what level (Info/Issue) → leads to overall result "red" or "yellow"
- Selection of Report Modules
- Checker
- See Checks in the chapter about Checker Libraries
- Checker Bundle
- Runs probably only on certain platforms, because a third party product is not available for all platforms
- Result Pooling
- Summarizes all results (overview and detailed view possible)
- Gives each incident a unique Id → assignment results in different report modules
- If necessary sorts and lists all information first and appends warnings and errors. Within these results, information is sorted by a central configuration. There is also the possibility for summarizing and filtering.
- Report Module
- Runs maybe only on certain platforms (e.g. Web server or local graphical application)
A Checker Bundle and the included Checkers can be parameterized. A distinction must be made between
- Globale Parameter
- InputFile --> File to be validated by the Checker Bundles
- Parameter for the whole Checker Bundle --> "Checker Bundle Parameter"
- Parameter that is relevant for one Checker Bundle
- Can be used by different Checkers in this Checker Bundle
- Parameter for single Checkers --> "Checker Parameter"